Shiny Happy People MIS-Leading Man - Duggar Family, IBLP, Gothard Slander

11 months ago

Joshua Pease is one of the main players in creating the false narrative of a "pandemic of abuse" in the fundamentalist Christian, homeschool community and in the Institute in Basic Life Principles alleged in the Amazon docuseries Shiny Happy People. He suggests again and again that the behavior of the oldest Duggar son having inappropriately touched his younger sisters and his conviction for downloading child pornography is due to the culture in the Christian fundamentalist homeschool movement lead by IBLP and Bill Gothard.

He makes several claims in SHP as well as in articles and interviews where he continually pushes this false narrative into the public. There is no denying there are abuses in the Christian world as well as in any group or organization that has millions of participants. Human beings do evil things. That is true.

But Joshua Pease continually blames evangelicals and fundamentalists... which he doesn't commonly define, as the reasons for the abuses suffered by victims. He lays the blame at the feet of innocent parties pushing the idea that all fundamental Christians train up their children to be abusers.

This is a damaging and false narrative. A lie in other words. And there is no evidence to show there is more abuse within the Christian community than in any other group or organization on earth.

He also uses false claims by a plaintiff in the failed repressed memories lawsuit against IBLP and Gothard as well as unsubstantiated claims that a woman is abused because of IBLP, another is infertile because of IBLP and another died of cancer because of IBLP.

In SHP he suggests a claim that has been shown to be false and was dropped in court is true. All this is discussed in this video.

For more information about the documentary Shiny SLANDER, visit or

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