Rep. Mike Gallagher: The CCP seeks to be ready to destroy American infrastructure

1 year ago

1/31/2024【Hearing on the CCP Cyber Threat to America】Rep. Mike Gallagher: The CCP has hacked into American critical infrastructure. The sole purpose is to be ready to destroy American infrastructure. In response, further action is needed!
#CCP #TakedowntheCCP
1/31/2024【中共对美网络威胁听证会】 迈克·加拉格尔议员:中共已经骇入了美国关键的基建设施,其唯一目的就是要做好摧毁美国基建设施的准备。对此,我们有必要采取进一步行动!
#中共 #消灭中共

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