1Feb24 Global Governance Treaties & War on Drugs; Yes, Tear Down Satanic Displays to SAVE Liberty

11 months ago

FBI Director warns of China hack of infrastructure - is HE planning something?  Is it possible to know WHO is behind a hack?
James O'Keefe gets White House Cyber Official monologing Fluoride trial resumes
Can the TX Attorney General force cities to enforce marijuana laws (or any other laws)?
Do Treaties Block Marijuana Legalization? Reason, a proponent of marijuana legalization, claims international treaties block repeal.  They're wrong but the implications for WHO Pandemic Treaty, and Paris Climate "Accord" shows how a phony legal framework is being created for global governance

WATCH Musk's Optimus robot looks a LOT like Joe Biden when it walks (even more so with a little computer magic).  Get really to live in world where metal Biden are shuffling along side you
Florida has a new bill that if it becomes law could fine people $35,000 for calling someone "transphobic".  Is that a good idea?
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INTERVIEW Crypto CEO Gets Hacked for $112 MILLION But CBDC Remains the Greatest Financial Threat 2024 is declared the "Year of De-Dollarization" by BRICS.  Will the Fed make it the year of CBDC? States are making some moves towards constitutional money.  What can you do? Tony Arterburn, DavidKnight.gold joins

Trump on Trial — His Gun Control by Exec Order Goes to Appeal
Dems have thrown every kind of nonsense at him personally, but now Trump's legacy PRECEDENT of gun control by Exec Order is on trial — both the bump stock ban and Trump's pistol brace ban (which he began in 2019) 

Felony charges for destroying a Satanic display whose only purpose was to mock Christians and attack religious liberty.  The Iowa Satanic Display SHOULD Have Been Destroyed Iowa State Senator (and pastor) says "I would rather have an evil blasphemous display, or no display at all, than have the state dictate what they think is appropriate.”  He's wrong politically.  He's wrong spiritually.
If we tear down Satanic displays, will the left start getting ideas about taking down statues?  This university took down a statue to unknown civil war soldier and doesn't even realize what their school's nickname means
Over a decade in prison for passively blocking an abortion clinic access? $260,000 fine? More Biden vendettas for his pet issue.  Why didn't they use jury nullification? Why don't GOP repeal the FACE Act?

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