Jeremiah 19-21 "Ears to Hear" 1/31/2024

1 year ago

God is speaking through Jeremiah to the people…but what he says is coming…is taking a while to manifest itself.
The people are beginning to mock him and worst…they are ignoring (not his words) but the word of Almighty God.
That has been at the heart of their downfall…they have been ignoring God’s word for some time now.
Two of the most important things that God can relay to man is “I Am the Lord your God.”
And “Thus says the Lord.”
Think about the power behind those words.
With a word from God, all creation came into existence.
His word is life, His word is authoritative, His word is final…and His word requires…NO…demands…obedience.
God’s word has been given to us…it is His direct revelation to man…the Bible is “God in quotes.”
His word reveals all of Who God is…His truth, His character, and His heart…and much more.

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