ACTIVE sun [from long distance]

8 months ago

[note] GROUNDings natUre connectiON is only REAL PHYSICAL also only mental relief

"EXTRA active sun [from 1990s forward]"

[NOW] IS MOMENT FINAL WAKE UP before all happen real fast in on hours only, old original plan for 2012 but new timeline was build between 2012 2014 for population who was not wake up yet how from 2014 to 2024 been now 10 year extra aka new timeline how now is similar moment was already on 2012 2013

[PREPARE] all ready now for moment build up then you can be your own hours when full change happen, other way you not know receive maximal healing on moment activation happen, is been only half crash on old system how you still can do quickly your last final preppings before earth surface full activation new situation happen, other way your moment is shock angry or fear chaos panic or broken unclear experience how cant deep relax or understand easy or receive maximal or stay on own flow

[KNOW] when full disclosure not been happen on 2023 before new year then things are very wrong or very different how you are on your very own earth surface not going to be not gonna become perfect anyway anyhow but easier for wake up and move forward on evacuation and more is coming soon so build up your own not care what others tells to do, anyway anyhow you can do only what you understand to do, not follow others only when you want like have evacuation then move into safezone other things not matter on earth surface also you cant move before you got escort mentors technology for travel so start figure all out by your own not follow others just be become your own unique independent experience until evacuation is real option then continue your own unique independent experience not follow others just do travel when can, travel without real technology is not safe your own risk or your fail when still try travel without real technology also remember stay days on your own when people shock reaction anger happen on full disclousure not go into public places streets on moment shock anger or chaos panic fear or mix both, look feel how situation is after all

[NOTE] earth zipper lines start open from north to south AFTER FULL LIFE EVACUATION not before, new very temporary positive system replace old negative system or option is more direct evacuation even without full disclosure

"EARTH zipper lines open [after evacuation]"

"What Happened To Ethnic Group On China M7.1 Earthquake"

"Although these Messages of the coming Earth Changes and Ascension of Planet Earth given by the Ashtar Command in the 1980's through Tuella (Thelma Terrell) have since been long delayed in their outcome, mainly through the strong efforts of the Forces of Darkness to eliminate or postpone the event, the instruction and program contained therein remains largely unchanged and applicable to the now fast approaching times of final cleansing."

[topics] beyond lightworker patritionism

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