Pursing Sanctification

8 months ago

You've given your life to Jesus, what's next?

Sanctification process and spirit-led living in Christianity is a transformative journey that requires full surrender and submission to God. It is a continuous process that impacts relationships and personal growth, often leading to criticism but also inspiring others through personal testimony. Rylee Meek and Christian Edwards, both deeply rooted in their Christian faith, share their unique perspectives on this topic. Meek emphasizes that sanctification is an active pursuit, involving being set apart from the world and sin, and encompassing body, soul, and spirit. He highlights the importance of spending time in the Word of God and growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. Edwards, on the other hand, views sanctification as a transformative journey of becoming holy and set apart for God. He stresses the need for individuals to actively pursue God, align their actions, thoughts, and deeds with the teachings of the Bible, and be willing to share the truth with others. Join Rylee Meek and Christian Edwards on this episode of the King's Council Ep 155 podcast as they delve deeper into the sanctification process and spirit-led living in Christianity.

But sing to the Lord. Meditate. Just wake up in the morning and thank him. We talked about that a lot. But there's so many ways to fellowship with God. And guess what? He's not hiding from us. He's there.

Key Takeaways
· Becoming Holy and Reflecting Christ's Character
· The Transformative Power of Following Christ
· Transformative Power: Breaking Free from Sin
· The Battle Between Spiritual and Physical Desires
· The Key to Sanctification and Spiritual Growth
· Holiness through surrender: Spirit-led transformation
· Navigating faith and career as Christian actors
· Collective Faith Gatherings for Like-Minded Believers

"I eat my fill of prime rib and gravy." - Christian Edwards

"If you've given your life to Jesus, what's next? Because some people just think, well, that's it, I guess. I'm going to heaven and I'm going to do whatever the heck I want on this earth now. And that's not the case. Definitely not the case. If you've given your life to Christ. The only thing now that matters is." - Rylee Meek

"But if we walk in the light as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another in the blood of Jesus, his son purifies us from all sin. We claim to be without sin. We deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us with all unrighteousness." - Rylee Meek

"But sing to the Lord. Meditate. Just wake up in the morning and thank him. We talked about that a lot. But there's so many ways to fellowship with God. And guess what? He's not hiding from us. He's there. If we don't feel him, it's because we've grown distant, not because he went anywhere." - Christian Edwards

"If we have an opportunity, if we show an unbeliever anything but the love of Christ, man, blood can be on our hands." - Christian Edwards

"We have no right to complain about what we tolerate." - Rylee Meek

"Sometimes you got to love them in the face." - Rylee Meek

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