Left Coast News; Seattle Fungal Outbreak & Budget Woes, Portland State of Emergency, CA Can't...

1 year ago

WA confirms its first C.auris deadly fungal outbreak, Seattle protesters get $10M for George Floyd riots, Seattle faces a $250B budget deficit, Seattle Mayor says health and safety top priorities. Portland declares a state of emergency. Judge blocks CA from requiring background checks to buy ammo, CA Governor Newsom backs dam removal projects in CA.
You can't make this stuff up!

#leftcoastnews #behindthelinepodcast #shtfnews #seattlenews #mayorharrell #seattlebudget #washingtonstatenews #fentanyl #drugcrisis #societalcollapse #oregonnews #portlandnews #stateofemergency #homelessness #drugs #californianews #secondamendment #2a #energycrisis #watershortage #californiadams #newsom #gavinnewsom #liberapolicies #democratpolicies #liberalpolicies

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