Why Did Stalin Do What He Did

1 year ago

This video talk about why did Stalin do what he did, Stalin's story, why communism failed, and what does on inside the mind of a dictator.
Joseph Stalin, also called The man of steel, was a dictator of the Soviet Union. So how did Stalin gain power in Russia?
We talk about life in Soviet Union and life in Soviet gulag, as well as gulags vs. concentration camps, what did Stalin think of Hitler, how many people did Stalin kill and why communism doesn't work.
Why does Stalin matter and what can we learn from the Soviet Union?

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Joshua Rubenstein is an American activist, writer and scholar of literature, dissent, and politics in the former Soviet Union. He won a National Jewish Book Award in Eastern European studies in 2002 for his book Stalin’s Secret Pogrom.

- Linkedin: ⁠  / joshua-rubenstein-817a2751  ⁠
- get his books
1. Last days of Stalin: ⁠https://amzn.to/3SfUOs8
2. Leon Trotsky: A Revolutionary's Life (Jewish Lives): ⁠https://amzn.to/3Ulmxu8

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