Beekeeping in 13F Freezing Weather | Winter Beekeeping #bees #beekeeping101 #beekeeping

1 year ago

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About this video:Beekeeping in 13F weather. Winter beekeeping
Today we will be checking on the bees in both bee yards to see if they are still alive after temps in the low teens.

About this Channel:
I hope you enjoy beekeeping and this video. If you are interested in becoming a beekeeper or experience backyard beekeeping for yourself have a look at some of the videos on this beekeeping channel as well as videos from beekeeping creators I have listed below.

Although this beekeeping channel is primarily about beekeeping I am also a quasi pepper who believes in becoming self-sufficient. With that in mind, I have started a garden, planted fruit trees, replaced the hedges in front of my house with blueberry bushes, and have recently built a chicken coop. In short, I will share a lot more than beekeeping on this channel.


The gear I use:
Primary Camera: Sony FDRAX53/B 4K HD
Secondary Camera: Sony FDRAX53/B 4K HD
Primary MIC: Sony ECMXYST1M Stereo Microphone
Secondary MIC: Sony ECMXYST1M Stereo Microphone
Tripod: ( GEEKOTO Camera Tripod
Editing Software: Adobe Premier
Graphics Package: Adobe Photoshop

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