The Art of War - Sun Tzu / Audio book

1 year ago

The Art of War - Sun Tzu / Audio book
Мистецтво війни - Сунь Цзи / Аудио книга

The Art of War is a 6th Century BC Chinese treatise on war and military strategy known for its timeless examples of strategy and planning. There is intense interest in this ancient work since it teaches how to be victorious in conflict and that the final victory ultimately is to see war as an effort to win minds and hearts rather than a mere acquisition of territory and wealth.
00:00 Layout plans
07:28 Conduct of the war
14:11 Strategem attack
21:11 Tactical dispositions
26:57 Energy
34:18 Weaknesses and strengths
44:31 Maneuvering
53:54 Variation of tactics
58:36 The army on the march
01:10:38 Location
01:20:50 Nine situations
01:39:22 Attack by fire
01:45:06 13. Use of spies

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