001 - long form - Brief Outline of Social Credit by William Stones

1 year ago

001 - long form - Brief Outline of Social Credit by William Stones

Source link for document - https://alor.org/Storage/Library/PDF/Stones_W-Brief_Outline_of_Social_Credit.pdf

Australian Constitution

Websites for Douglas Social Credit

douglassocialcredit.com - England, Social Credit Secretariat
socialcredit.com.au - Queensland, Charles Pinwell
socred.org - Canada, Dr. Oliver Heydorn
alor.org - Australian League of Rights
placeholder - New Zealand, can anyone help here?

Further Sources

trove.nla.gov.au - National Library of Australia - search with quotes "douglas credit proposals" and "social credit"
https://www.murdoch.edu.au/library/resources/special-collections/economics-politics-law-collections - Douglas Social Credit Special Collection
archive.org - the Green Shirt Movement

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