Simple Fruit-Based Vegan Desserts

8 months ago

Easy vegan desserts with fruit: this poached pears recipe is easy to make, and the pears turn out very flavorful

Pears: Scoop out the seeds with melon scooper; peel

Cooking liquid: In a pot, add 5 cups of water, 2.5 cups sugar, zests from 1 lemon, a little bit of lemon juice, and 1 vanilla bean with the seeds scraped out
Drop 5 peeled, seeded pears into the cooking liquid. Bring to a boil, cover them with parchment paper, and simmer for 20 minutes or until tender

Syrup: in a sauce pot, add 1 cup of cooking liquid and 1/2 cup of pinot grigio; reduce it for 10 minutes or until as thick as desired. It's thicker when it's cool

Poached pear liquid iced tea: Dip 2 tea bags in 1 cup of hot pear cooking liquid. Let cool, add lemon juice to taste, and ice

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