Carl Vernon, Sue Chatton & Steve Jeffries on The Abi Roberts Show - 31 January 2024

1 year ago

On today's show, Carl Vernon engages in a discussion that spans comedy, self-help books, and life itself.

GUEST 1 OVERVIEW: Carl is a prominent social and political commentator, as well as a bestselling author. His notable books include "Surrounded By Morons" and "The Massive Advantages of Dealing with People You Can't Stand."

GUEST 2 & 3 OVERVIEW: Steve James Jefferies, a former Royal Navy Commando and firefighter with a 20-year career in the fire service, took a stand by refusing to wear a face mask while driving the fire engine during the pandemic. Sue Chatton, after leaving her career in the banking industry in 2010, embarked on a journey of running her own businesses from home. Together with a group of freedom advocates from Stockport, Sue and Steve are co-founders of Rebels on Roundabouts, which later evolved into the yellow boards movement. Their unconventional approach extended to their wedding during the pandemic, where they eloped to Gretna Green and refused to wear face masks during the ceremony, despite the requirement in Scotland at the time.

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