Michael Peroutka: Bush Avoids Abortion Issue in State of the Union Address (February 6, 2004)

8 months ago

"President Bush has failed to lead on the premier moral issue of our time - abortion, which is the killing of innocent, defenseless, unborn children in the womb. In a phone call this year to "March For Life" marchers in Washington D.C., Mr. Bush hailed their efforts as a noble cause. He said we must remind our fellow citizens that all human life is sacred and worthy of protection.

But, in his State of the Union address - watched by millions of our fellow citizens - Mr. Bush reminded them of nothing about abortion. The word "abortion" did not pass his lips. He said nothing about the sacredness of all human life - though he did take time to demand that athletes stop taking steroids.

In late October of 2003, when asked if all abortions should be banned, Mr. Bush said, and I quote: "No, I don’t think the culture has changed to the extent that the American people or the Congress would totally ban abortions," unquote.

Well, Mr. Bush may be right about our culture and Congress. But, when the issue is literally a life-and-death issue - which abortion is - it is a President's moral responsibility to lead and not follow our people and Congress!

On abortion, a President - particularly a Christian President - should use his bully-pulpit to change public and Congressional opinion. And as President, I would do this. As President, I would advocate a total ban on all abortions and a total ban on any Federal funding of abortions, here or abroad."

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* Peroutka, Michael. "Bush Avoids Abortion Issue in State of the Union Address". Peroutka2004.com, 6 Feb. 2004.

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