Supporting A Higher Level of Consciousness | Focused Life Force Energy

1 year ago

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This is episode 28 and I am honored to bring to you FLFE or focused life force energy. I will speak with Clayten Stedmann one of the creators of FLFE. I have a been a customer for about a year now and I constantly rave about the difference it has made in my life in all areas.

What is FLFE?
Focused Life Force Energy (FLFE) is a technology that activates a high-consciousness field. It recreates the feeling and benefits of high-consciousness sacred places. You can enjoy it in your home and business every day, and with FLFE Everywhere you can take the high-consciousness field with you as you travel.

How does it work?
The FLFE System activates a high-consciousness field anywhere. -Much like what can be found in places of worship or in pilgrimage sites where the focus of the teachings are love. A high-consciousness field has positive energy and life benefits from it. The consciousness of a place can often be felt by a person, for instance, at an old battlefield or in a cathedral, mosque or synagogue. We can create a field ourselves with focus and a positive intention.

First, the FLFE System redirects and focuses life-force energy. Life-force energy (Also known as subtle energy, chi and prana) is a universal energy found throughout the universe. This positive energy is focused in a location within the FLFE System. This is similar to a person sitting down and moving into a focused meditative state in preparation for sending a prayer, reiki, or a positive intention.

Next, a unique identifier is introduced into the FLFE System, such as a legal address or coordinates for a property, a cellular phone number for a phone or a high-resolution photograph for an object. This is similar to a person holding in mind the person or place where they are sending a prayer, reiki treatment, or positive intention. We believe that the person with a positive intention and the FLFE System both activate a field at the person or location instantly anywhere in the world.

The FLFE System next uses FLFE Programs or instructions to specify the characteristics of the activated field, such as the level of consciousness of it and the positive intentions in it. The activated field becomes a high-consciousness field. This is similar to a person holding a positive intention, emotion, or prayer in mind, which affects the field they created at a place or person in the previous step.

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