Video 9/9 Covid and Amygdala Hijack

1 year ago

In the final video of this series we explore the recently emerging trauma response of 'tend and befriend' or 'faun'. This trauma response can be observed in bully victim response behaviour, 'Mean Girls' relational conflict or Machiavellianism in corporate or power politics. Additionally this trauma response: 'going along to get along' or a perverse acquiescence to a trauma prompt might be part of what so confused our society and culture during the 'Me too' era. This video argues that in the later stages of the covid era (at least) what might have been occurring psychologically to a chronically stressed, burned out, amygdala hijacked population was a 'go along to get along' consent, an acquiescent consent, rather than a fully informed 'wise mind' consent in response to increasingly totalising and authoritarian covid measures. Those psychologically 'bruised' by the pandemic may be dealing with the consequences of such a trauma response.

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