Ted Gunderson – Foreigners came in with Turbans on their Head and Bought Children at Auctions

1 year ago

Ted Gunderson was former head of the FBI division in LA and he says the CIA is an International Organization that traffic's children.

Foreigners came in with Turbans on their heads to attend Child Auctions in Lincoln Nebraska and some children went for $50,000 as an attendee, Paul Bonacci said.

They purchase them, put them in planes and they are never seen again.

Ted has filed formal complaints with the FBI and they have not even interviewed him or are interested.

The FBI keeps track of bank robbers and car thieves, but they don't keep track of missing children, and that's by design.

Evidently, these poor children are being used for Body Parts - Organ Trafficking and likely other purposes before they extract organs.

END. 1/31/2024.

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