Eagle Pass: Are We Being Lied To?

1 year ago

Everyone, you have been lied from day 1 with the migrants. There is no right versus left, right is better than left its all theater and this american proves it. Like in many places the wall just ends. The wall was never constructed to be complete to begin with. This is not just on one place. I have posted a few other videos. Even where there is some continious wall the cartel just cut it, shown in another video on my Rumble chanell: https://rumble.com/user/alexlunaviewer
You are being played in this show to think that there is actually something happening. In fact both parties the democrats and the republicans are dancing toghether to create the illusion of a fight when in fact both agree with unlimited migration, unchecked.
The crazy part is that people still think that Trump actually wasn't able to check the wall in this very important place in Eagle Pass. Think about it if you contract someone to built a wall on your property wouldnt you check it? Or send some people to actually check it? And check the wall in important hot spots like here?
Its really dumb to assume that just right now people wake up and discover this gross "negligence", but this is not that its just: THEY JUST STOP BUILDING THE WALL:) Which is intentional.
What is even crazyer is people thinking this is not a show, a play, a concert to get people into this left versus right dynamic.
You cant deny these images: NO ONE in any party had any interest to stop migration. There is NO WAY to say that you built a wall if there are gaps, intentional.
There is no way NO ONE from the Trump team to NOT check this. If you think about it its mindblowing.
So the only logical conclusion is the obvious one, its a show, a plot, a play and no official wants to stop illegal migration or make some order into the mess.
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