Wireless Body Area Network – How they Run Computer Networks through Human Bodies – Hope & Tivon

7 months ago

***This is Good*** ***This is Important*** ***This is what they don’t want you to Know***

So you think that your body cannot be hacked into by someone sitting at a computer? Watch this and think again.

The terms may seem very unfamiliar, but stick to this, you will get it.

Hope and Tivon do an EXCELLENT job at explaining all of this with Maria Zee and we definitely need to know this just to follow what Sabrina Wallace talks about.

Subjects: IEEE – Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Human Biofield, Biosensors, IEEE 802.15.4, Biophotonics – Optogenetics – VLC, Weaknesses in their System, Metamaterials Terahertz Software Designed, Cyber-Physical Backbone of 2017, The System Upgrade, Fighting Evil Tech with good Tech, Hope and Tivon Biosensor Challenge, Mosaic Warfare, Net Centric Warfare, Global Information Grid, Letha Autonomous Weapons System (LAWS), Project Maven, Project Salus, Pentagon and Artificial Intelligence, Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN), Internet of Bodies (IoB), Energy Harvesting, Wireless Healthcare, Medical Body Area Network (MBAN), Internet of Behaviors (IoB),

Wireless Body Area Network – referred to as the WBAN.

Humans are being bio-hacked through the wireless body area network, which is an AI driven technology that has been covertly erected around our modern society over the past several decades.

It uses our living human bodies to operate. The system was recently upgraded through COVID and is moving full steam ahead to implement the UN “Age of Global Enlightenment” which is in reality Technocratic Totalitarianism.

In this presentation we go deep into the industry that is bringing you Transhumanism to define the terms and show a high level view of their plans.

When you hear the term “The 4th Industrial Revolution” it means Transhumanism. Klaus Schwab and his WEF goons often use this term.

We are going through a System Upgrade right now. We have been LIED to for a very long time.

Here is the Globalist System Upgrade Timeline:

1956 – Biosensors were created
1995 – Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) was created
2017 – The System Upgrade Began – includes the Cyber-Physical Backbone which involved the Metamaterials – Terahertz Software Definied
2019 – 2022 – COVID – after the Cyber-Physical Backbone was deployed. During Covid the Population was Graphenated – with Graphene Oxide from the jabs
Future – AI Apocalypse, the UN Age of Global Enlightenment, UN 100, UN 2045 Agenda, 15 Minute Smart Cities Population Control

Where is this information coming from? What industry is bringing Transhumanism? What are the Standards that make this Technology Possible?

1. IEEE – Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers – it is the World’s Largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the “benefit” of humanity.

What is this Organization Comprised of?

Physicists, Chemists, Engineers, Electricians, Radio Engineers, Computer Networking and anyone dealing the any of these kinds of technologies.

They are the World’s Largest international society of BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERS.

They make all the standards for the Internet and Wireless system – worldwide. They are involved in forming Public Policy for ALL World Governments.
They are in 190 countries with 64% of their Organization Membership located OUTSIDE the United States.

They have more than 5 million papers published with more than 200,000 added annually and sponsor 2,000 conferences and events in 106 countries.

They have 3,700 branches at Colleges and Universities in over 100 countries.

They have 3,625 Student branch Chapters of the IEEE technical societies.

This is where ALL the Technology is – in the IEEE. Whenever you are researching and you see an IEEE reference, pay attention.

The “Juicy” information is behind the Paywall. Hope and Tivon Rivers signed up for this – some of the papers cost a LOT of money to download, some are $300 which gives you an idea to some of the weight they carry.

The IEEE sets the Standards that ALL businesses and governments worldwide must adhere to – for example, they set the standards for all Wireless Routers and all electrical appliances and toys. They control the electronic and wireless data world with these standards.


The Human Body is electrical and has an Electromagnet Field. All the chemical reactions in the body are mediated by an electrical signal that goes through our systems.

The biofield or biological field – is a complex organizing energy field engaged in generation, maintenance and regulation of the homeodynamics (system). From NIH Website.

There are numerous medical journal articles and white papers that discuss using the electricity produced by the human body as a conductor for a wireless power transfer.

The biofield is the “scientifically accepted” term in Western Medicine. In other cultures through history it has also been referred to as “CHI” or “Prana”. It is the Life Force that is emitted through all living things.

Your body naturally has electromagnetic frequency waves from your biofield. This is what is being measured on an EEG in a hospital for signs of Life.

Knowledge of the biofield was removed from public teachings and western medicine through the Flexner report in 1910. It was then hidden in academia all these years and it has been developed upon the AI and Biomedical Engineering tech industry. Technologies using the biofield have been deployed on the population without a persons knowledge or consent.

The Biofield is a Body Part. We all have one. They have been using this for their technology, COVERTLY – without our consent, for a very long time.

COVID-19 was a Result of the Evil One World Government INVADING our Biofields.

According to Hope and Tivon, it is the biofield that is responsible for most of our Immune System.


Biosensor – A biosensor is an integrated receptor-transducer device, which can convert a biological response into an electrical signal. The design and development of biosensors have taken center stage for researchers of scientists in the recent decade owing to the wide range of biosensor applications, such as healthcare and disease diagnosis, environmental monitoring, water and food quality monitoring, and drug delivery.

Biosensors have been around since 1956 (the first being electro-chemical), there were made commercially available in 2010 and many different kinds of biosensors have been developed and are used for all sorts of different things.

There are several kinds of Biosensors: Optical - (using photons and light), Piezoelectric - (using crystals and is more acoustic based), Electrochemical, and Hybridized Synthetic Biology.

There are a million ways that Biosensors have been put into Human Bodies without a persons knowledge or consent, ie – water, air, food, medicines, etc.

Biosensors also have the ability to Modify the DNA of the subject.

They are MICRO and NANO in scale and located in the Interstitial Fluid in between Cells. *They are VERY, VERY small.

Biosensors use your bodies natural electric energy to power themselves and emit a Data Signal that is connected to the Internet of Things – IoT. They communicate with Electricity, just like your cell phone. Cell Phones can be “Bootstrapping” devices for biosensors – meaning they can help transfer signals to and from your body.

Biosensors that are made out of Hybridizing your DNA emit a signal using electrochemical elements such as Light and can be controlled using Optogenetics (controlling biological systems through light).

During Covid-19, these Biosensors were being pinged or hit by Electromagnetic Frequencies and that could lead to weakening your biofield (80% of your immune system). This is explained in this article – “Effect of Coronavirus Worldwide through Misusing of Wireless Sensor Networks” – link to all sources will following this presentation below.

There are 4 Main Components of a Biosensor:

1. Analyte – a chemical or biological material that gives the electron reaction as it is connected. It could be your DNA or a protein, it is the thing in your body that is about to be analyzed.

2. Receptor – also known as the Recognition Layer that binds to the target components. This can be cells, enzymes, and/or acids.

3. Transducer – acts as an interface which measures the production that occurs with the Bioceptor, transforms energy into measurement. Can be accomplished through Optical - (using photons and light), Piezoelectric - (using crystals and is more acoustic based), Electrochemical, and Hybridized Synthetic Biology.

4. Signal – Component that displays the information.

What the Biosensors are Used for:

1. Analysis of Living Subjects remotely can use anything in your body (blood, glucose, etc.). Meaning you can be Analyzed Remotely or Wirelessly. YES, this is the technology that is being hidden from us and we ARE being Analyzed with this very technology right now.

2. Obtain Sample, Analyze and Submit Data

3. Use your Bodies Natural Electric Energy to Power itself and to Send and Receive Data

This is how they are making Human Bodies a NODE on the Network. Yes, you are just a Node, a tiny Data Center or Database on the System – the Internet of Bodies – (IoB). They know more about you than any doctor or healthcare professional. You are being watched. You are being Monitored. You are connected to the Internet of Bodies – the WBAN – Wide Body Area Network. You are the BODY.

Hope says that some of the Biosensors are fused to the DNA. This is the Transhumanism part of it. You become a Hybrid. Your DNA is modified.

4. IEEE 802.15

IEEE 802.15.4 – Dealing with the Standards for Communication with Portable Devices – Bodies Included. These 802.15 standards deal with the connectivity of your body as a node on their network to the cloud – their private internet. You can learn all about IEEE 802.15.4 here – free PDF -- https://people.iith.ac.in/tbr/teaching/docs/802.15.4-2003.pdf -- *Note: this is long and difficult to comprehend if you are not familiar with this kind of jargon.

The IEEE 802.15.4 – has to do with the how the MAC ID Addresses are created that people are emitting now. It is for low data rate wireless connectivity for Fixed, Portable and Moving Devices with very little battery / energy consumption.

This standard provides Modes for Precision Ranging.

IEEE 802.15.6 – Dealing with Standards for Inter Body Communication – communication from within the Body going Outside the Body. Deals with short range wireless communications in the vicinity INSIDE the body.

It uses Industrial Scientific Medical Bands as well as frequency bands approved by national medical or regulatory authorities. It uses very low power and has data rates of up to 10mb per second is required.

5. Wireless Body Area Network – The WBAN

Our Bodies are being used as a communications propagation system since 1995.

A Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) or a Body Sensor Network connects independent Nodes (like sensors and actuators) that are situated in the CLOTHES, ON the Body, or under the Skin (in the body) of a person.

The Network typically expands over the whole human body and the nodes are connected through a wireless communication channel. https://www.waves.intec.ugent.be/research/wireless-body-area-networks

WBAN – What is inside the WBAN? In other words, what makes up the Computer Network inside your body?

NANO – inside your of your BAN – Body Area Network.

Your Body Area Network – BAN is inside your PAN – your Personal Area Network.

PAN – is the computer electronic devices in your personal workspace.

PAN – is in side the LAN – Local Area Network

LAN is a network in limited area like a University campus.

So one network sits inside another which sits inside another and it’s like an onion layer of networks.

Basically, we are inside a Wireless Digital Prison System which can all be remote controlled.

6. IoB – Internet of Bodies
IoB is a growing industry of devices that monitor the human body, collect health and other personal information, and transmit that data over the Internet.

Researchers who have been finding Nanotechnology when they are looking at the blood under the microscope need to understand that there is an industry of people who work daily jobs who are regulating these Nano-Networks. These are biosensors and components that make up the Wireless Body Area Network and the Internet of Bodies.

This is what they have been planning for Decades and why they needed a System Upgrade. They needed the GRAPHENE in the Vaccines to Upgrade the entire system. As Professor Ian F. Akylidiz said: “mRNA Vaccines are injected as Programmable Bio-Nano Machines.” You can see this below.

***Prof. Ian F. Akyildiz - "mRNA Vaccines are Injected as Programmable Bio-Nano Machines”

Why did they want this System Upgrade? It was like going from Dial Up to Broadband. It allows them to program, send and receive information at high rates of speed. They use the vaccines as a delivery system to insert the needed components.

Quote from the WEF website – source listed below:

We’re entering the era of the “Internet of Bodies”: collecting our physical data via a range of devices that can be implanted, swallowed or worn.

The result is a huge amount of health-related data that could improve human wellbeing around the world, and prove crucial in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic.

Don’t you love it how they make this sh*t sound like it is for our health and well-being? Un-freaking-real.

Meta-Materials Terahertz Software Defined – is the suite of nanoscale technologies with the terahertz frequency range.

These technologies were basically on hold to the commercial world governments (even thought they have already been developed).

They were released in 2017 as part of an infrastructure upgrade to the Global Information Network, which would be further initiated 3 years later with the graphenation of the population through the Covid Injections.

Ian F. Akyildiz and Josepe Jornet are leaders in the Internet of Things (IoT). Under that you have Internet of Bodies (IoB).

These materials are graphene based which is a necessary part of these new technologies and what was needed to get them to work. Hence, the upgrade.

Internet of Bodies Examples: Brain Computer Interfaces, Body Implanted Sensors, Wearable Neuro-Devices, Implantable Cardiac Devices, Freestanding Infusion Pumps, Ingestible Digital Pills, and Wearable Health Trackers.

This technology is not of the future, it is of the NOW. It’s here now. It is in your body now. People need to know this. This has been done with no consent. It is a major, major violation.

7. Energy Harvesting Your Body to Run a Terahertz Network –

“Nanoscale Wireless Networks are expected to revolutionize a variety of domains, with significant advances conceivable in in-body healthcare. In healthcare, these nanonetworks will consist of Energy Harvesting Nanodevices passively flowing through the bloodstream, taking actions at certain locations, and communicating results to more Powerful Body Area Network (BAN) Nodes.”

We are the Nodes and we are the Energy Powering the Nodes.

It is this network and the frequencies they are running through our biofield that is causing illnesses.

Tesla and Rife used positive frequencies to treat the biofield. These technologies were banned and buried.

8. Wireless Healthcare – How they Control Your Health -- 43.11
IEEE EMBS – is the world’s largest International Society of Biomedical Engineers (those who strive to “improve health” by biological, medical and now frequency mechanisms vial WBAN.)
The new field is now Wireless Healthcare.

Terms that fit under “Wireless Healthcare” are: Precision Healthcare (Artificial Intelligence), Designer Drugging (individually tailored), Electroceuticals, Nanothermonostics, Biomedical Tissue Engineering, and Regenerative Medicine.

This wireless healthcare and the subcategories is the 4th industrial revolution with the covert focus of changing your DNA, bringing in Transhumanism and connecting your body with the Cloud.

These Biomedical Engineers are becoming our New Doctors – our new Healthcare Providers. The Electrical Engineers are the new Medical Doctors.

Most doctors have NO clue what’s going on and are totally unaware that this technology even exists let alone is being used successfully right now. The medical field has always been an industry of lies.

9. Medical Body Area Network --

Medica Body Area Network was first reported by the FCC in 2012.
The FCC expanded the Part 95 MedRadio rules to permit the development of new Medical Body Area Network (MBAN) devices in the 2360 – 2400 MHz Band and propose procedures for selecting a party to register and coordinate MBAN use of 2360 – 2390 MHz portion of the band.

The MBAN technology will provide a flexible platform for the wireless networking of multiple Body Transmitters used for the purpose of measuring and recording physiological parameters and other patient information or for performing Diagnostic or Therapeutic functions, primarily in health care facilities. This platform will enhance patient safety, care and comfort by reducing the need to physically connect sensors to essential monitoring equipment by cables and wires. Our decision herein is the latest in a series of actions to expand the spectrum available for wireless medical use.

*There you go. The above paragraphs were from the FCC. Is that not clear enough?

They are flat out indicating that the sensors will be inside the human body and there will be no need for wires and cables.

That means that your body contains the tools to diagnose and treat.
Gosh, what could go wrong with this kind of technology when in the hands of these evil bast*rd?

The Hospitals will use the MBAN and a Software called OMNET to report data from Human Bodies to the Cloud. This was done in hospitals during COVID.

Hope and Tivon did a report with Todd Calender about this data being reported to a database in ISRAEL.

Pfizer Study C459001 – 44,000 military personnel soldiers and family members were secretly tested for DNA changes and the data was transported in REAL TIME to a company in Israel.

*Note: I looked up a couple studies on this and could not connect the dots, but I will take Todd Calender and Hope’s word. I don’t believe all 44,000 were military unless I am looking up the wrong studies.

Hope says the state of Israel is the Cyber Hub for the Covid WBAN Data.


Covid Body Wireless Area Network (COV-WBAN) – They have a database and a Wireless Body Area Network through something called Project Salus, which is a Pentagon effort that provided Predictive Logistics tools for Covid-19 response to the command.

Many of the 5G Towers that were rushed up during the Covid Lockdown when no one else was allowed to work, say COV-19 inside on the Circuit Board.


Internet of Behavior (IoB) offers a revolutionary way to monitor, control and model human behavior. *Yes, control human behavior – remotely. They are doing this NOW.

IoB – is a system that uses Sensors and other technologies to monitor, analyze, and predict human behavior.

It combines Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), big data analytics, cloud computing, Internet of Things (IoT) devices, mobile applications, wearable devices, Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), robotics automation systems, and more into one comprehensive platform for collecting behavioral data from individuals or groups.
The data is collected and can then be used for various purposes, such as predictive analytics or automated decision making processes. See Source #11 below for more.

The Governments have likely been using this to control people for a long time, now it is coming out commercially.

Could this be how people are really getting sick?

Could they be causing Pandemics by attacking our biofields with frequencies?

Check out Operation Crimson Mist – Rwanda Electromagnetic Genocide in 1994. The most obscene attack on another Sovereign country by the United States in which they used C-30 Hercules Transport planes equipped with devices to shoot frequencies which disabled the minds of the masses and turned them into Angry, Raging Zombies. Link to Crimson Mist → https://rumble.com/v4a2ltz-operation-crimson-mist-rwanda-zombie-electronic-elf-genocide-of-1994.html

Ever hear of the Government preparing for a Zombie Apocalypse?

That is because the government has the technology to easily cause one.

They aren’t preparing to prevent it. They are warning us.

What about potential sleeper cells that may be crossing our border?

We have a world government that is under one rule – that rule is Luciferian.


Biophotonics – is a field of biology and photonics that combines the interaction of light and biological materials.

Optigenetics – is a biological technique to control the activity of neurons or other cell types with light. This is achieved by expression of light-sensitive ion channels, pumps or enzymes specifically in the targeted cells.

Biosensors could be used to make a change to peoples receptors within their body. For people who’s receptors have been changed, they can be more sensitive to certain kinds of light signaling from the environment or a wireless network.

Visible Light Communication (VLC) – in telecommunications, visible light communication of the visible light as a transmission medium. VLC is a subset of Optical Wireless Communications technology. The technology uses Fluorescent Lamps to transmit signals 10 kbit/s, ore LED’s for up to 500 MB/S over short distances.

Do you see those new Blue Lamps. Some cities say they were ordered by accident. Liars. It is not by accident. They can be used to control people.

These special LED Blue Lights were set up right at the same time the 5G Towers were being set up. Go figure.

They also are putting special LED lights in offices and they blink or pulse so fast that people don’t even realize it, just like inside a computer, that is how data is transferred – that is how data can be transferred between WBAN’s. The lights have transmitters and receivers in side them – just as we have multiple two way biosensors.

Watch out for SNEAKY Government Grants to put these special lighting systems in your homes. You may think “gosh, that is such a great deal”, no, it’s only a great deal for those wanting to control you and have you convert your home into a prison. ANY and ALL government grant s– you have to look at the plotting behind them as there is most often a devious agenda to “free money.”

Keywords to be vigilant of are Sustainable or Sustainability and Climate Change.


The leaders in this industry give presentations where they clearly list the obstacles or weaknesses in their technology that they struggled to overcome. Below is a list of examples. This is why they needed to UPGRADE the System with the Covid Plandemic in order to get the technologies to work well enough to achieve agenda objectives.

They could not get the Electromagnetic Waves across the Old Network.
Problems with the Old System: Free Space, Signal Absorption, Interference, Line of Sight Propagation, Fading, Doppler Effects, DISTANCE (especially 60GHz and THz bands), Energy Consumption and Coverage.


New System Infrastructure includes everything – they are now connected and communicating with each other: 5G Towers, Satellites, Metamaterials, Fiber optics, etc.

A Cyber Physical System (CPS) – is an intelligent computer AI system in which a mechanism is controlled or monitored by computer-based algorithms.

A Backbone or Core Network – is a part of a computer network which interconnects networks, providing a path for the Exchange of Information between different Local Area Networks (LAN’s) or subnetworks. A Backbone can tie together diverse networks in the same building, in different buildings on a campus environment or over wide areas.

Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) and the Internet of Things (IoT) are converging over time to include a common emphasis on hybrid systems of interacting digital, analog, physical and human components (from NIST - National Institute of Standards and Technology).

“Load Balancing” – a term that means to test the ability to transmit signals over the new networks they just installed.

This is where the good ole Covid Jabs come into play. They wanted to get the Graphene in the Blood and Tissue of the population so they could load balance or test the communication of the WBAN.

IEEE Paper – Industrial Cyberphysical Systems: A Backbone of the Fourth Industrial Revolution – (PDF Link in Sources) – This infrastructure was all deployed at once in 2017, the same year the Terahertz Metamaterials were deployed.

15. THE SYSTEM UPGRADE – What Does it Look Like?

Even with all the technology they had developed up until this point, it still wasn’t doing what they wanted it to, meaning to control humans at the levels of speed and efficiency they needed. So they did a Full System Uprgrade.

This upgrade was initiated in 2017 when they installed the infrastructure for the new system known as the Cyber-Physical Backbone. No one in the non tech world even noticed. The IEEE world however knew all about it.

Once the infrastructure was deployed they then graphenated the population through creating a FAKE pandemic, making people shelter in place (for better tracking and tracing abilities) and injected most of the worlds population with graphene. They needed the graphene injected (big difference from bioaccumulation) in peoples bodies for the amplification of the signals.

The new system with the graphenated population is now ready for deployment of the 15 minute smart cities as a means to completely control the worlds population.

16. METHODS – Over the past few decades the following government projects played a role in moving the world toward their ultimate goal. Each one is an area to research.

Mosaic Warfare – is a concept that involves sending a large number of weapon and sensor platforms at the enemy to overwhelm them. From DARPA using, The Internet of Military of Things (IoTM) a class of the Internet of Things for combat operations and warfare.

Project Maven – Defense Department initiative to integrate artificial intelligence and machine learning across operations to extract objects of interests from imagery. Started by Google and taken over by the Pentagon. Many Google employees left when they realized that the program would be used on Civilians in Mosaic Warfare.

Global Information Grid – a network of information transmission and processing maintained by the United States Department of Defense.
Lethal Autonomous Weapon System (LAWS) – a type of autonomous military system that can independently search for and engage targets based on program constraints and descriptions. LAWS are also know as lethal autonomous weapons systems, autonomous weapons systems, robotics weapons or robot killers.

Network Centric Warfare – also called network-centric operations of net-centric warfare, is a military doctrine or theory of war that aims to translate an information advantage, enabled partly by information technology, into a competitive advantage through the computer networking of dispersed forces. It was pioneered by the United States Department of Defense in the 1990’s.

The Department of Defense held an AI symposium in 2020.

A DoD directive was issued to deploy AI.

Biden issues executive order to deploy this on October 30, 2023 -- Executive Order on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2023/10/30/executive-order-on-the-safe-secure-and-trustworthy-development-and-use-of-artificial-intelligence/

The Pentagon responded 3 days later -- “Pentagon debuts new data and AI strategy after Biden's Executive Order” -- https://www.c4isrnet.com/artificial-intelligence/2023/11/02/pentagon-debuts-new-data-and-ai-strategy-after-biden-executive-order/
One thing we should know about our Government – when they mention Safe and Secure that usually means the opposite, which is scary.

18. AI Development Underbelly and Future Global AI Impact
Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI and founder of ChatGPT was fired on November 17, 2023 for no apparent reason.

ChatGPT – if you ask a question, it scans the entire Internet and gets all the information and computes answers according to the combination of all data.

Microsoft is an investor in OpenAI, on the for profit side of course.

If Microsoft is involved, Biden is involved, and the Pentagon is involved – you are NOT going to get a TRUE uncorrupted AI. They will say to trust it that it is honest AI, when in fact it is created to help them achieve their Agenda Objectives.

The Cabal doesn’t want true innovation for the chattel, they want to weaponize it in sneaky, deceitful, convoluting ways.

A true AI would present a Global Threat to all Secret Societies and to all New World Order plans.

Why are they choosing to release AI now? It is NOT to benefit humanity it is in my opinion because of the System Upgrade. With AI they could have the Ultimate Surveillance System with IoB and WBAN.

Example that Tivon gives on an Off Grid Energy Solution in which researches have found a way to yield over 100% -- turning 2 milliwats into 2 watts – this is Tesla like results.

The researches then fed the data to ChatGPT and it concluded the same results but at the end it said this is extraordinary and not typically observed in conventional systems.

SO, this actually WORKED and Confirmed their Energy Results.

BUT – a few days later he tried it again and ChatGPT said that they were “Breaking Open AI’s Terms of Service.”

So there you go. That is what Biden’s SAFE and SECURE Executive Order was all about. They have to monitor and regulate this or the sheep will be equals. That’s absolutely the very last thing they want.
Just like Facebook, Youtube, etc – they make up bullsh*t community standards, policies, terms of agreements and regulations that are designed to block the truth and prevent the truth from spreading.
Whenever you see a corporation say – “we have upgraded our Terms of Agreement” and you must agree to them before moving on, you must be conscious that these new “terms of agreement” is a contract that definitely is not favorable to you. They are get bent terms, period.

The Cabal is teaching AI to give us the Answers that they want us to know and those answers are FALSE.

Another individual asked how to extract Vitamin C out of a Lemon and it said you have to have certain qualifications to ask this. WHAT?

That is called REGULATION. Regulations NEVER favor the people.
So it didn’t take long for AI to become contaminated with Cabal lies and censorships.

The Goal of AI is not to enrich the people in ANY way. The Goal of AI is to be the Ultimate Weapon against the people and help to keep them in an Electronic Cage (prison).

This is the plan that Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, the UN and the WEF has planned for us.

One must look at the Global Young Leaders coming out of Klaus Schwab’s WEF. Ivanka Trump is one of them, which means she is 100% on board with these plans. Take a look at the list of Global Young Leaders here → ***Global Young Leaders List– School of Klaus Schwab – “GRADUATE LIST” 1995 – 2022 – Charlie Robinson -- https://rumble.com/v48cljo-global-young-leaders-list-school-of-klaus-schwab-graduate-list-1993-2022-ch.html -- ***VERY IMPORTANT TO KNOW THIS***

15 Minute Cities will be a PRISON. They will present it as a Safe and Secure place to live and they will have everything a human could need within 15 minute distance. There will be checkpoints everywhere and facial recognition cameras everywhere. This is not different than a farmer putting his sheep in a fenced corral.

They will slowly introduce laws, policies and regulations here in the United States that will have to do with climate change and being GREEN that will force the building of all houses and developments to include smart technologies. It does sound good, it’s not if you know the information in this presentation by Hope and Tivon and Maria.
Smart Tech = getting bombarded with radiation and negative frequencies and of course it is designed for complete control.
Gavin Newsom – another Global Young Leader – is Governor of California and they are building smart cities all over in CA.


Hope and Tivon make products by hand for EMF Protection. These products are based on Orgone Energy. Orgone Energy is a protective, healthy, life preserving energy field generated by a composite of metal powders mixed in an epoxy resin. The end result is something called Orgonite.

Orgonite uses piezoelectricity, surface area, morphogenetic fields and backscatter to preserve energy. It can help us fight back against bad technology and negative frequencies.

• Sleeping Pods – for a good nights sleep.
• Charge Plates – for use around the home, to preserve food and more.
• Phone Shields – to put on your cell phone, laptop and routers.
• Pendants – for personal EMF protection on your body.
• Pyramids – for protecting your home, garden and property from negative EMF on a larger scale.
• Tiles – for incorporating EMF protection in construction projects.


Video Source:

MariaZeee -- https://rumble.com/v3x7iew-hope-and-tivon-wban-they-have-achieved-the-transhumanism-system-upgrade.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=15

Maria Zeee, Hope and Tivon Sources:

Hope and Tivon’s Website: https://ftwproject.com

Hope’s Rumble Channel: HopeGirl Alternative News -- https://rumble.com/c/c-1585583

Hope and Tivon’s Blog that Covers THIS Video: https://www.ftwproject.com/orgonite-blog/how-they-run-computer-networks-through-human-bodies/

Hopegirl Blog: https://www.hopegirlblog.com/

Maria Zee at -- Zeee Media – https://www.zeeemedia.com

Other Sources:

https://medicalxpress.com/news/2020-04-human-body-electrical-conductor-method.html -- The human body as an electrical conductor, a new method of wireless power transfer for injectable electronic implants

https://www.npr.org/2023/03/08/1161897128/how-researchers-are-trying-to-harness-the-electricity-in-the-human-body -- How researchers are trying to harness the electricity in the human body

https://www.researchgate.net/publication/349881372_Effect_of_Coronavirus_Worldwide_through_Misusing_of_Wireless_Sensor_Networks -- Effect of Coronavirus Worldwide through Misusing of Wireless Sensor Networks - *Note: you can download free PDF here also.

https://www.researchgate.net/publication/336778892_Energy_harvesting_Internet_of_Things_health-based_paradigm_Towards_outage_probability_reduction_through_inter-wireless_body_area_network_cooperation -- Energy harvesting Internet of Things health-based paradigm: Towards outage probability reduction through inter–wireless body area network cooperation - *Note: you can download the free PDF here also.

IEEE 802.15.4 – free PDF -- https://people.iith.ac.in/tbr/teaching/docs/802.15.4-2003.pdf -- *Note: this is long and difficult to comprehend if you are not familiar with this kind of jargon, but once we become more familiar it is a good source.

https://www.waves.intec.ugent.be/research/wireless-body-area-networks -- Wireless Body Area Networks (WBAN) -- *Note: There is a good image on the bottom of the page that indicates how this works on the human body.

https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/06/internet-of-bodies-covid19-recovery-governance-health-data/ -- Tracking how our bodies work could change our lives

***Prof. Ian F. Akylidiz - "mRNA Vaccines are Injected as Programmable Bio-Nano Machines”-- https://rumble.com/v436j5l-prof.-ian-f.-akylidiz-mrna-vaccines-are-injected-programmable-bio-nano-mach.html

Brain Computer Interfaces – Download the E-book – https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RR2996.html

Internet of Bodies – Our Connected Future -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xFoSsjFsec

Toward Location-aware In-body Terahertz Nanonetworks with Energy Harvesting – Free Pdf -- https://arxiv.org/pdf/2101.01952.pdf

Remote Monitoring of COVID-19 Patients Using Multisensor Body Area Network Innovative System -- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9499756/ -- *Note: This one is pretty clear to understand once you are familiar with the terms.

An Intelligent and Energy-Efficient Wireless Body Area Network to Control Coronavirus Outbreak -- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7909758/ *Excerpt from this: To prevent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) from spreading, the regular identification and monitoring of infected patients are needed. In this regard, wireless body area networks (WBANs) can be used in conjunction with machine learning and the Internet of Things (IoT) to identify and monitor the human body for health-related information, which in turn can aid in the early diagnosis of diseases. *Do you see how we are turning into the MACHINE? Corresponds with #10 above – Project Salus.
The Internet Of Behavior Is The Next Trend To Watch -- https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2023/03/13/the-internet-of-behavior-is-the-next-trend-to-watch/?sh=642b5d0b4c78 – Source #11.

Industrial Cyberphysical Systems: A Backbone of the Fourth Industrial Revolution -- https://www.researchgate.net/publication/315508301_Industrial_Cyberphysical_Systems_A_Backbone_of_the_Fourth_Industrial_Revolution/link/5a0137d50f7e9b62a15878bc/download?_tp=eyJjb250ZXh0Ijp7ImZpcnN0UGFnZSI6InB1YmxpY2F0aW9uIiwicGFnZSI6InB1YmxpY2F0aW9uIn19 -- Download PDF.



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