The Voice of the Spirit

1 year ago

"The rising generation will be barraged by multitudes of voices telling them how to live, how to gratify their passions, how to have it all. They will have up to five hundred television channels at their fingertips. There will be all sorts of software, interactive computer modems, databases, and computer bulletin boards. There will be desktop publishing, satellite receivers, and communications networks that will suffocate them with information. Local cable news networks will cover only local news. Everyone will be under more scrutiny. There will be fewer places for refuge and serenity. The rising generation will be bombarded with evil and wickedness like no other generation. As I contemplate this prospect, I am reminded of T. S. Eliot’s words, “Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?”"

James E. Faust, The Voice of the Spirit, Ensign, April 1994

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