This is an insight look at Seattle 2 years after the George Floyd protest

1 year ago

This is an insight look at Seattle 2 years after the George Floyd protest. The city has turned into a video game with zombies, all sorts of weapons, post apocaliptic destruction everywhere, fires, crazy people and the most crazy thing is many americans think this is entertaining. Probably because its intense that is one reason.
The problem here is the sense of entitlement on many people's parts. For example one guy is offered a home but he refuses it. Probably because its a home in a program that pushes stigma on them bla bla. Its hard. In these programs there are shady people who are only out there for their own glorification and to use these people for profesional reasons. Thus many people prefer the violence and the lawlessness of the streets in terible living conditions, in short the law of the jungle.
This is a crude reality that very few programs are good and have success rate. So these people prefer to make their own laws in horrible camps. How to say it, these are not people that for example use the plastic to make gas out of it. These are not people that just live in the wild in an orderly fashion. These are very depressed folks that unfortunally need to go in a jail type of environment where they are sobered up, there is military to instill order, they have less stuff to generate less thrash, they have water to clean and stuff like that. Living in nature theoretically shouldnt mean this crazyness, lawlesness this filth and this degradation. It does in the case of Seattle.
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