The Heavenly courtroom

1 year ago

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5. November 2023
Joy Jacqueline
01:52 AM

The Heavenly Courtroom.
⁃ There is a room filled with fire 🔥 (you call people to come in there for purification.)
⁃ There is an also a place where the courts of heaven is; and that is a place of learning and some people who come into this room get equipped by experience of what is happening in the courts. New Students arrive at this place. Students who learn things in the courtroom are put there to be a part of the council who sits in the main area. All in the main area are entrusted by the Holy Spirit, and they are working together as a unit, these have been tried and tested and have been found worthy, this council have left many things behind them, in order to sit in the council of Heaven, they have paid the price.
⁃ They have tried many cases and authority of Jesus Christ is there.
⁃ The blood of Jesus is on their head and they sit there with red ropes representing the authority of Jesus Christ.
⁃ They take people in who come in from the realm of the earth and they examine many cases with the help of Holy Spirit.
⁃ Their eyes are flaming fire, that piece through the atmosphere, it’s like a laser sight, it’s the eyes and eyes in the the spirit; they never shot their eyes, it’s like these eyes are always awake, once the eyes are awake and can see clearly, they get to sit in the the council. The ears are also awake they have a frequency around their ears, these ears are trained for specific tasks, the word of the Lord have set the foundation of their hearing sense so they listen for specific frequencies only set from the word of God and the Holy Spirit, these ears are sharp (that is how I can describe them) they can discern things from they hear, this is why they are in the council, because they are sharp listeners in the spirit, they can discern what is from God, what is from man, what is from angels, and what is from the kingdom of darkness; by their ears they right reports, some reports get stamped (as declined) other reports says (straight ahead) and that is because these reports have good tidings and good report in them. And also some have the prophetic. They also examine the reports coming in from warring angels. They get reports from many different realms that are God Orchestrated.
⁃ This place for the heavenly council is also a place to report judgments
⁃ The different reports that are given in the heavenly councils have when they have been escorted in right manner, they are being burned at the council tables in both sides, where there are vessels with fire in them these vessels have different timers ⏱️ on them, and when these timers click the last time, they are being transferred (that is why different seasons have get their fullness of time). The seasons are the Lord’s He has created them and decided what He wants in the vessels of seasons, but he chose to do it together with man, and that is also the reason why you see this heavenly council.
⁃ The vessels can only carry one amount of season and they are not built for more than they can carry, that is why they transfer.
⁃ The vessels of seasons carry many different decisions, that determines what happens, I hear again in my spirit there are absolutely no coincidences in this heavenly realm, everything is in place, in time, God Designed and everything is in plane sight. Nothing is hidden. Everyone who enters this place, has the opportunity to always know the will of God, and get clarity in so many ways. But you most have Fear of the Lord to be given permission to operate in this room.
⁃ That is the difference between the new students and the council of Heaven. The new students are learning to use their spiritual eyes, almost like new born babies, they see things blurry but they adapt learning fast, their eyes are getting trained to look and see and watch the council of Heaven. But the students set together with a teacher and Learn to speak 🗣️ (words of gold) this stands for authority and the mandate from heaven, and even though they are students their words are recorded in the heavens on tablets sitting in front of every student.
⁃ The council’s mandate is there for justice and righteousness, to examine different situations with Holy Spirit. It’s a place where Kings and Counselors are, like Salomon and Daniel and other people have taken decisions together with the Spirit of God. Wisdom emanates from this place.

Scripture reference:
“Give justice to the poor and the orphan; uphold the rights of the oppressed and the destitute. Rescue the poor and helpless; deliver them from the grasp of evil people.”
Psalms 82:1-8 NLT

The Blood of Jesus:
Hebrew 10:20
God Presides over heaven’s court
Psalms 82:1 NLT
Haman in the outer court of the kings inquere:
Esther 6:4

#courtroom #heaven #vision

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