"The Impractical Joker" (1937 Original Black & White Cartoon)

11 months ago

🤡 Step into the zany world of "The Impractical Joker," a 1937 Fleischer Studios animated short film starring the beloved Betty Boop. Jack Mercer, renowned as the voice of Popeye, lends his talents to the character Irving in this classic animation.

Discover the delightful and mischievous antics of Betty Boop as she navigates the whimsical challenges presented by the impractical joker. Notably, a short clip from this cartoon is featured in the opening credits of the Futurama episode "My Three Suns," adding a touch of animated nostalgia to the mix.

Additionally, enjoy insights into the history of this episode, as some clips from the redrawn colorized version found their way into the compilation "Betty Boop For President: The Movie" (1980).

Keep an eye out for a familiar animation sequence, as this episode cleverly re-uses the same animation of Betty Boop losing her temper from "House Cleaning Blues."

Join us on a trip down memory lane with Betty Boop, where laughter and timeless characters come together in the golden age of animation. 🌈🎬 #BettyBoop #TheImpracticalJoker #FleischerStudios #VintageAnimation #ClassicCartoons #Nostalgia #AnimatedShortFilm #CartoonComedy #JackMercer #PopeyeVoice #Futurama #ColorizedVersion #BettyBoopForPresident #AnimatedNostalgia

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