Baby Boy Loves To Dance To The Music Of His Walker

7 years ago

Everything is better in life when a little bit of music is involved. Music has the arcane power to change our mood with a single note, whether it is for the better or for the worse. It also has the power to make us dance, start shaking our booty to the tune, where ever we are!

It comes so naturally to us, that even babies know to bust a move whenever they hear a good song. Take little deni here for example. He has just started to walk with the help of his VTech Sit-to-Stand Learning Walker. But the toy also plays a tune we are all familiar with:

“Old MacDonald had a farm
And on his farm he had a cow

Who can resist dancing to such a iconic tune? Definitely not Deni and he starts whipping his hips back and forth to the memorable rhythm. Just look at him go! That is definitely Deni’s favorite song and mark our words, if that song played in a supermarket somewhere, he will stop where he stands and he will dance it out. Milk and bread can wait!

Not every kid is born a primabalerina. While for some dancing comes as natural as crawling, others need some encouragement. But as soon as a baby finds its groove, they will start enjoying the power of music and the rhythmical movements it makes them do every day! That is why you should alway encourage your kid to dance, even in the supermarket!

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