Robert Adams Satsang - Robert's Experience - Nov. 4, 1990

7 months ago

Satsang Recordings and Transcripts of the American Jnani and Advaita Master Robert Adams.

These original recordings were made and distributed by a number of Robert Adams’ students. There are no alterations to these original recordings which have been converted to MP3 format, though due to cassette tape restrictions some chanting and irrelevant chat did not get recorded.


Tape Break 1:

SL: What can I do when I see the misery and torture in the world? What good is it just to concentrate on my mind. Must I not forgo this indulgence in the self, by looking at myself, and help people in the world?

R: You are omnipresent reality, and you are compassion. It is only when you know your Self that you can be an asset to others. When you become the embodiment of love which is also consciousness, everyone around you feels it and that's how you make this a better world in which to live.

However, in the beginning you don't confuse yourself with that. If you want to help the world and help others, first find out the truth about yourself. If you don't, it's the blind leading the blind and everybody falls into the ditch. Now, again, when you find out the truth about yourself, yourself is not an individual. It is omnipresence, so you become the universe. Therefore, you can say all this is the Self and I am that.

Take a look at your dreams. Where does a dream come from? It comes from your mind. You're sleeping and you're dreaming. It all emanates out of your mind, and in that dream you're riding in a jet plane, you go from country to country, you take up golf, you get married, you have children, you grow old and you die. All that is in the dream. Where did the dream really come from? Your mind, and so it is in real life. "Who is dreaming about wars, who feels this, who sees this, who's afraid?"

Ask yourself, find out, investigate, and you will amazed what you find.

Tape Break 2: 42:04

SL: Do you have to gradually eliminate the reactions to get to complete freedom?

R: You simply observe yourself. You watch the way you react to conditions. You do nothing but watch. In the process of watching your mind will slow down. It will become weaker and weaker until it's gone completely, then you'll be free.

SL: So you don't have to ask the I-thought, you just have to watch the mind?

R: You automatically ask it when you're watching. As you are watching you will ask the question, "To whom does this come?" Then you will find out that it does not come to you at all. It comes to your ego. So again, you watch the ego, and you ask the question, "To whom does the ego come?" The answer will come, "To me." Hold onto that me. Find the source of me. It has no source. There is just emptiness, quietness, and you become free.


“The way you should read these transcripts is preferably before you go to sleep at night. If you have time during the day, you should read them during the day also. Yet you should not read them as you read a book. You read a book, you finish, you go on to the next book. You should really stick to one transcript for at least a week, if not more.

You read it through, and then you begin all over again. You go from paragraph to paragraph. You do not read it fast or speed read it. You take each paragraph and you ponder on the paragraph. You put the transcript down and you cogitate, ponder the paragraph, assimilate it, digest it, make it a part of your being and then go to the next paragraph.

If you're doing this correctly, you will not have the time to read thousands of books. I'm not saying you shouldn't read other books, but if you really want to make headway fast, follow one direction. Go one way. You may find many contradictions when you read so many books, and you'll become confused and even disgusted...”

Taken From Transcript 99: 3rd October 1991

#robertadams #satsang #advaitavedanta #selfrealization #enlightenment #nonduality #spiritualawakening #ramanamaharshi

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