B2B SEO Success in 2024: The Power of Ultra-Longtail Keywords

1 year ago

New Data: Here’s What You Should Change in Your B2B SEO Strategy So, 2023 is done. I thought it would be fun to look at our data to see what kind of keywords brought in the most revenue for our ad agency, NP Digital. Keep in mind we rank in decent positions for keywords like “SEO”, “Online Marketing”, “Digital Marketing”… and the list goes on and on. And no matter what country you work with us in, we don’t really have any services that are lower than 5 figures a year, and it can easily climb into the 7 and sometimes 8 figures per year. So where does most of our revenue come from, at least from an SEO perspective? Well first, let’s look at what keywords drive our organic search traffic. Now, let’s look at the keywords that drive our qualified lead count. 3-to-6-word keywords are generating most of our qualified leads, which makes sense as long-tail keywords drive the majority of a site’s organic traffic. And let’s see what type of keywords are driving most of our revenue. It’s crazy to see how the ultra-longtail, 7 or more words, is what is driving revenue. Now let’s compare this with our 2022 revenue data. In 2022, we had a similar traffic breakdown percentage to 2023.    But what we are seeing is a shift in the way people are searching. They are becoming more specific with their search queries before they are looking to convert. The longer-tail keywords are what’s driving more revenue these days and we see this trend with other B2B sites we work on. So, in 2024, focus on long tail keywords that are 7 or more words. It may not drive the traffic you are looking for, but it should drive the revenue you want.

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