My Brother’s Very Sick in ICU & The Doctors Say He is Dying! How Does Intensive Care at Home Work?

8 months ago

My Brother is Very Sick in ICU with a Mental Health Condition & the Doctor Said He Will Be Out in Palliative Care. Can You Please Advise Me What My Options Are? How Does your Intensive Care at home Program Work?

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In today’s blog of the intensive care at home series. I want to answer a question from Athena.

My Brother is Very Sick in ICU with a Mental Health Condition & the Doctor Said He Will Be Out in Palliative Care. Can You Please Advise Me What My Options Are? How Does your Intensive Care at home Program Work?

Now Athena writes,

Hi Patrik,

My brother is very sick in ICU at a well-known hospital in Sydney. He has a mental health condition and developed catatonia. He’s bedridden and has a feeding tube. He also has type 2 diabetes and a kidney problem from the lithium treatment.

The doctor said that if his treatment for his electroconvulsive therapy doesn’t work, then they’re stopping the feeding tube, the ventilator, and he will be out in palliative care. He has been intubated as part of the catatonic issues and the convulsions. We don’t want him to die and we want to keep him alive, he’s only 37.

Can you please advise me what my options are? Do you provide advocacy? How does your intensive care program work?

Thank you for your time. We will do anything to keep him alive and get him home eventually.

From Athena

My Brother is Very Sick in ICU with a Mental Health Condition & the Doctor Said He Will Be Out in Palliative Care. Can You Please Advise Me What My Options Are? How Does your Intensive Care Program Work?

Hi Athena,

Thank you for your question and here is what I would advise as a next step. Your brother is only 37 and it sounds like, he’s very young and I’m sure you want him to live and it’s not up to the intensive care team to just send him to palliative care because they think it’s appropriate.

I don’t think it’s for anyone to say to go to palliative care, if the wishes of a patient have not been respected. I don’t know whether your brother has an advanced care directive or not, but in any case, even if he doesn’t, you ask the next of kin or medical power of attorney, can make decisions for him. And if you don’t agree that he should move to palliative care, then it’s your choice and your choice only, especially at such a young age.

The next step really is if he can’t come off the ventilator, the next step is, he probably would need a tracheostomy. If he has a tracheostomy and he’s then medically stable and he can’t be weaned off the ventilator or we’ll need some time to get off the ventilator, we can take him home and go from there.

Now, two things there, number one with the advocacy, if you look at our sister side, we are providing a professional consulting and advocacy service there for families in intensive care.

Number two, going home is possible with the NDIS now, with the National Disability Insurance Scheme here in Australia, as you’re aware, your brother is only 37 and the NDIS with the right advocacy funds 24-hour nursing care at home with intensive care nurses for ventilation and tracheostomy. So we can help you with the advocacy and we can help you with taking your brother home with intensive care at home, if that’s what you wish.

So I hope that answers your question. Please reach out to us if you want to take the next step. Thank you so much...

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