My Mom is Neglected in ICU & I Want To Take Her Home. Can your Services Intensive Care at Home Help?

11 months ago

They Are Neglecting My Mom in ICU & I Want To Take Her Home. Can your Services at Intensive Care at Home Help Me and My Mom?

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In today’s blog post, I want to answer a question from one of our clients and the question today is

They Are Neglecting My Mom in ICU & I Want To Take Her Home. Can your Services at Intensive Care at Home Help Me and My Mom?

Hi Patrik,

My mom has been in intensive care for 95 days with a bad bout of pneumonia after chemotherapy for her cancer treatment. She is getting blood transfusions currently and other maintenance care. They do not make sincere efforts to wean my mother off the ventilator and they are grossly neglecting her.

They leave her in bed with no proper care or any physical or occupational therapy. They are leaving her there like a vegetable to die. I want to get her off the ventilator and the tracheostomy and come home. I am finding it hard to transfer her to another ICU for a second opinion and admittance if needed and to see if they can wean her off the ventilator, but I get no support from the management of the hospital to do so. Please help.

I urgently need to know more about intensive care at home services, and if it is covered by the NDIS. I am in the process of applying for NDIS services and nursing care services through the NDIS. I would ideally and urgently liked to bring her home with a better quality of life. Please contact me as soon as possible. Thank you very much.

From Katherine.

Hi Katherine,

Thank you so much for sharing your mother’s situation. It sounds very sad that your mom has been in ICU for nearly a hundred days now. They can’t wean her off the ventilator and it sounds to me like they’re not even making any efforts for it.

And I’m also not overly surprised that they wouldn’t want the second hospital to look at your mom’s situation because they would probably pick up on the negligence that seems to be happening there.

In any case, I do believe if your mom can’t come off the ventilator, still has the tracheostomy and wants to go home. I do believe that the NDIS and our service can help you. We are obviously NDIS accredited and the NDIS now is funding nursing care for ventilated patients with tracheostomy at home. So we can definitely help you.

We can definitely help you with the NDIS application process. We can help you in the advocacy process for the NDIS, and we can help you with what evidence needs to be provided to qualify for intensive care at home. But it sounds to me like the evidence is already there, especially after a hundred days in ICU or an intensive care.

It sounds horrible to me when you’re saying that they are leaving her in hospital, like a vegetable to die. I mean, I can only imagine what you and your family are going through just watching that. And I do believe that in a home care environment, we are wanting to treat your mother like a person, and we are wanting to ensure that she gets best care and treatment.

And you will also find that by the time you are at home with your mother, you will have more control over the situation because we are working with you and not against you. It sounds like the ICU there might be working against you and not with you.

So that is my suggestion. Contact us, we’ll help you with the NDIS application process. We’ll help you with the evidence that needs to be provided to get the 24-hour nursing care for your mother at home, with intensive care at home. And also for the hospital, it’s actually a win-win situation. They are freeing up an ICU bed and they’re saving half of the cost. So it’s a win-win situation.

Thank you so much and all the best.

From Patrik...

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