The Difference Intensive Care at Home is Making in the Quality of Life for Long-Term Ventilated Pts!

1 year ago

The Difference Intensive Care at Home is Making in the Quality of Life for Long-Term Ventilated Patients with Tracheostomy!

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In today’s blog post, I want to answer a question from one of our clients and the question today is

The Difference Intensive Care at Home is Making in the Quality of Life for Long-Term Ventilated Patients with tracheostomy!

So, today I want to talk about what difference Intensive Care at Home makes in the quality of life for long-term ventilated clients with tracheostomy. And I want to illustrate that with a case study today.

So, we are currently working with a young man who is in their early twenties. And when we first started working with the young man, we worked in partnership with another service provider, but the other service provider couldn’t keep the clients safe just simply because they had a big issue with staff selection and they couldn’t select the right staff for the client because they, in their mind, were thinking that enrolled nurses or registered nurses without ICU experience could keep a ventilated client safe.

Now, nothing could be further from the truth and I will provide the evidence for that in a minute. But just again, to illustrate that if you look at ICUs, for example, you wouldn’t send an enrolled nurse or a nurse from the general ward or from the general floor into ICU to look after a ventilated patient. That would be like flying an airplane with the cabin crew instead of the pilot.

And the same is applicable in a home care environment where Intensive Care at Home is providing home care services that are evidence-based, according to the “Home Mechanical Ventilation Guidelines.” And this research has clearly shown that the only way you can safely look after a ventilated client at home with a tracheostomy with adults or children, is with intensive care nurses with a minimum of two years ICU experience. Plus, ideally a post-graduate critical care certificate or the equivalent.

And that’s exactly what we’re doing with Intensive Care at Home. That’s all we do. That’s all our clients get. They’re getting an intensive care nurse with a minimum of two years, ICU, pediatric ICU experience. And most of our nurses have a postgraduate qualification as well...

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