11 months ago


Bible prophecies which have come true recently and are coming true before our eyes. Israel becoming a nation in 1948 after not being a nation for 2000 years as predicted by Jesus Christ in Matthew chapter 24 verse 32. The Antichrist spirit thinking to change times and laws as it says in the Book of Daniel, chapter 7 verse 25, changing the Sabbath day from Saturday to Sunday, and deleting the 2nd Commandment forbidding the creation of graven images. Also, the one world government is forming today, it is characterized by "iron mixed with miry clay" as was described by Nebuchadnezzar to the prophet Daniel, which Daniel interpreted in Daniel 2 43. The Scarlet woman is also waiting in the wings, drunk on the blood of persecuted Christians today in China, North Korea, Somalia, Libya and other places around the world. AI and quantum computing and surveillence and China's Social Score system is forming the infrastructure of the Mark of the Beast spoken of in Revelation 13. 2 Timothy 4 3 predicts in the end, our time today, people will not endure sound doctrine, and we are seeing this because since 1962 America has kicked God and prayer out of schools and the public square. Also people today as 2 Timothy 2 prophesied are fierce, today there are over 62 million abortions in America, some as late as 9 months in the womb. As Daniel 12 4 predicts today people run to and fro and knowledge has increased. Today grown children take jobs and live far away from parents, and, since Jesus Christ hasn't returned yet, and across the centuries scientific knowledge has increased, it has led people away from God and because this knowledge has been acquired outside of God's direction, we now, for example, have a garbage dump twice the size of Texas in the Pacific ocean and mankind is in danger of destroying the themselves and the planet with pollution and nuclear war. The top 100 companies cause over 70 percent of the world’s pollution, yet those in charge blame the average citizen. A I and quantum computing are forming what will be the infrastructure of the second beast spoken of the Book of Revelation, in chapter 13 verse 11. Also, the prediction in 2 Thessalonians 2 7, that he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way, is happening today, as we see people waxing worse and worse as it says in 2 Timothy 3 13, abortion topping 62 million, God and prayer kicked from school and no one seeming to care. Also, leaders of nations are calling for a New World Order what will one day become the government of the Antichrist.

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