1931 Nikola Tesla - Aether Powered Electric Car

1 year ago

In 1931 Tesla tried to bring us a car powered from the aether, abundant in the skies above. However, the parasite controlled papers quickly launched a series of hit pieces on him and no investors would dare support him. He never presented the idea after his humiliation.

The first electric car was in 1846 !!

There's a lot of information coming out now on hidden history of Tartaria. The cabal have used their fakesters and snakes such as Einstein and Marconi, whilst ignoring and hiding the true genius of Nikola Tesla. The satanic zionists and their central banks used the same old playbook to hide truthful history and rewrite history to fit their agenda. It has happened so many times that now those "meddling kids" have sussed them out and exposed them. The demonic realm of the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and the 13 phoenetian/venetian bloodline families, the khazarian mafia rule by fear, shame, and guilt. They poison you through GMO food, through vaccines and pills, the courts rule by Talmudic Law to the detriment to anyone who is not a satanic zionist jew. The free energy is not what the demonic dark entities wanted, so they made people pay for it. They did the same with the oil scarcity hoax, and the water scarcity hoax, pushing the narrative that it was "our fault" for scarcity when in actual fact there is no scarcity, just a hoax pushed by the khazarian ashkenazi zionist media. All this is then used by the globalists to create their nonsensical climate crisis hoax, and that feeds into the New World Order of Vaccine Passports (Digital ID) Mark of the Beast system and their depopulation agenda and totalitarian enslavement under a one world government.

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