Chris Panagiotu talks about how manufacturers can capitalize their finances!

1 year ago

My pals all over the manufacturing world do amazing things. But let's face it: a lot of us were never educated in running a business. So I took advantage of the opportunity to have my friend Chris Panagiotu on the show to give us all some education. Chris is the owner of CAPitalize Your Finances, LLC. He's a wealth adviser and a certified financial planner. He hosts his own podcast, aptly named the CAPitalize Your Finances Podcast, and he also has a book coming out soon! And he's a heckuva great guy, too.

He delivered some really great advice on a few key things those of us in manufacturing should be thinking about and doing.

Listen to the whole thing - it'll be well worth your time!

This episode aired originally on YouTube on June 7. 2022.

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