'Whistleblower Protection is Keeping Me Alive' - Toxic Testing Expert

1 year ago

In continuing the coverage of corruption in government agencies… we haven't forgotten about East Palestine, Ohio. There’s been concern over toxins released after the Norfolk Southern train derailment last year. Wait til you hear the efforts to cover it up and intimidate one man who’s been testing and trying to alert the community. We’re also covering the Marxist infiltration of America and a mom’s mission to fight back. LINKS:

The Magi of Miriam: The Boy Who Saved the Kingdom - https://a.co/d/iUvljUb

Scott Smith

Twitter: @WaterWarriorOne


Watch "Counter Narrative with Kristi Leigh" M-F at 8pm EST >> Patriot.TV

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Kristi Leigh is bringing the meats! Go to https://klbeef.com & stock up on All-American beef from ranches in Texas. No mRNA jabs ever. Sous vide, freeze-dried, and stored in mylar bags with oxygen absorbers for maximum shelf-life - 10+ years without refrigeration. Not dehydrated, not jerky. By freeze-drying it we retain maximum nutrition and flavor. Just soak in water for 15 minutes and it's ready to eat. These are NOT "beef crumbles" or other common survival meats. These are premium cuts of Ribeye, NY Strip, Tenderloin, Sirloin, and Chuck.


Kristi Leigh TV

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