Evolution Creation Q & A Debate Dr. Hovind vs Dr. Richardson

11 months ago

In this kent Hovind debate classic Dr. Kent Hovind vs Dr. Robyn Richardson at Winona State University. After their opening statements both debaters answer audience questions.

Video Timeline
Start Video introduction
3:39 Dr. Richardson's opening
20:19 Dr. Hovind's opening
38:38 Did God use evolution for creation?
40:51 Dr. Richardson: How can creation or evolution be taught since both are religions?
42:05 If creation happened quickly why do we see evolution in the fossil record?
44:27 Are there any intermediate life forms or fossils in the geologic record that prove evolution occurred?
47:23 Did the original atmosphere have oxygen & would that not bind with the precursors of life making original spontaneous generation of life?
52:14 Why don't we have intermediate fossils?
54:49 How do you prove there is a God?
59:03 Do evolutionist have anything they know for sure & how do both define a theory?
1:04:40 Why do we see vestigial structures & similarities with other animals if creation is true? Also embryonic gill slits.
1:12:57 If you believe creation why go to the doctor?
1:14:07 How did gender & species evolve from one cell?
1:17:44 Why isn't the ocean floor as old as predicted?
1:21: 32 How are the theories of humanism racism pornography and women's lib connected to Evolution?
1:27:46 How many years to produce a seed that will replace a parent plant & how did the eye evolve?
1:31:39 What evidence supports creation science & how does complexity rule out evolution?
1:39:30 Why don't we see something like a half man half dog?

For more from Kent Hovind see links below

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