The Charles Anthony Samy Vresume

1 year ago

The Charles Anthony Samy Vresume

Full stack software developer. I specialize in Java and J2EE technologies, complemented by extensive DevOps practices and deep data management expertise. I have managed the full SDLC using Agile, RUP, and Waterfall methodologies.

My technical expertise also includes Informatica PowerCenter for large data loads, ElasticSearch, BigQuery. I am proficient in SOAP and Rest services, build scripts (Maven and Ant), server deployment (Tomcat, WebLogic, JBoss), and RDBMS (Oracle, SQL Server, DB2). I have expertise in version control systems, continuous integration tools, Autosys scheduling framework, and possess foundational knowledge in React, TypeScript, and Python.

Throughout my career, I have mentored developers and managed offshore teams across diverse industries, notably fintech and healthcare. I have consistently prioritized collaboration and inclusion within my teams as a leader.

Bachelors in Engineering, Madras University, India.


Cloud AWS (S3, Athena), GCP (BigQuery, Dataflow, Secret Manager)
Enterprise Technology EJB, JMS, JNDI, Servlets, JSP
Framework Spring, SpringBoot, Hibernate, JPA, Struts, ElasticSearch
Architecture MVC
Web Technology Servlets, VB.Net, ASP.Net, C#, ASP
Languages Java, Python, Swing, Applets, C, C++, PERL, Unix Shell Script, SQL
Scripting Languages AngularJS, jQuery, JavaScript, AJAX, JSON, CSS, VBScript, HTML, XML, XSLT

ETL Informatica PowerCenter
Databases Oracle, BigQuery, SQL Server, Sybase, MS-Access
SCM Tools GIT, BitBucket, Perforce, Clear Case, Clear Quest, PVCS
Operating Systems Linux, UNIX (Solaris), Window 10/XP/NT/2000/95
Batch Programming Autosys framework
Application Servers Tomcat, Weblogic, JBoss
IDE IntelliJ, STS, Eclipse, and Workshop 8.1
DevOps & Deployment: MAVEN, ANT, Tomcat, WebLogic (6.x to 10.3), JBOSS, Azure DevOps.
Natural Language Processing Proficiency with Elasticsearch and related techniques.
Testing Tools Mercury Quality Center, Quick Test Professional & HP Performance Center, and JUnit
Management Tools Jira, Confluence, Rational Rose (UML)
Methodologies Agile (Scrum), RUP, Waterfall.
Sectors Financial, Healthcare


Client : Mayo Clinic Feb 2022 – June 2023
Location : Remote (Rochester, MN)
Project Name : CLASI – Clinical Language Analytics Service Infrastructure
(Natural Language Processing)
Role : Senior Software Engineer

Description: All the medical records and transcriptions are sent from an upstream system. This information is parsed and stored into ElasticSearch. There are API’s hosted on middleware and proxied through Apigee which read data from ElasticSearch and output the response. There are utility jobs which read from DB2 database which form as filter values for the ElasticSearch search.

Roles and Responsibilities
• Migrated ElasticSearch from 7.17 to 8.5 which was a complete rewrite of the search implementation without which migration from on-prem to GCP would not have been possible
• Involved in requirements, design, development, unit-testing, implementation and production support
• Participated in Scrum, Sprint planning and backlog refining
• Developed the application in J2EE, Spring, SpringBoot, ElasticSearch, DB2, SQL Server, Dataflow, BigQuery
• Developed using IntelliJ IDE
• Published API for downstream applications to consume data
• Hosted the API through Apigee proxy
• Migrated the API’s that were originally on Akana to Apigee
• Validated API response using Postman
• Used testNG for accomplishing integration testing for the application and integrated the same into deployment pipelines
• Created and maintained batch jobs using spring cron scheduler
• Used GIT as version control tool
• Used Azure Devops for automated build and deployment

Technologies: Spring, SpringBoot, Java 8, ElasticSearch, BigQuery, Dataflow, Postman, JSON, MAVEN, testNG, DB2, SQL Server, GIT

Client : Capital Group July 2013 – Jan 2022
Location : Irvine, CA
Project Name : FAMIS – Funds and mandate information systems
Role : Senior Lead Java Engineer

Description: This system is the book of records for fund related information for all the other applications within capital group. Data is either input by users through the J2EE application deployed on tomcat or imported from external sources like MorningStar using Informatica PowerCenter. Various data points are published through web service and flat files generated by ETL for downstream systems to consume them.

Roles and Responsibilities
• Lead developers and provided technical assistance throughout the project
• Involved in requirements, design, development, unit-testing, implementation and production support
• Came up with an event-based calculation framework using which all the performance statistic data was calculated
• Lots of manual data calculation was replaced with the calculation framework which resulted in reduction of days to market from 10 to 3
• Developed the application in J2EE, Spring, Hibernate & JPA
• Developed Spring mapping classes, Hibernate annotations, JSPs, AngularJS, JQuery, HTML, JavaScript, AJAX and JSON
• Used multithreading and concurrency to run calculations of different funds at the same time to speed up the calculations and have the data available to users sooner
• Used Informatica PowerCenter to import data from external sources like database, XML file, flat file
• Used Informatica PowerCenter to export data into flat file for downstream systems to consume the data
• Developed using Spring STS IDE
• Published web services for downstream applications to consume data
• Deployed the application on tomcat STS server
• Created and maintained batch jobs on Autosys framework
• Used BitBucket, Perforce as version control tool
• Used Bamboo, QuickBuild for automated build in the development environment
• Participated in design and user meeting

Technologies: Spring, Hibernate, AJAX, JSON, JQuery, Java 1.6, JSP, Log4J, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, XML, MAVEN, Tomcat, Informatica PowerCenter, Oracle, SQL, Perforce, Autosys, QuickBuild

Client : Toshiba America Information Systems Nov 2012 – July 2013
Location : Irvine, CA
Project Name : SEKAI (Universal B2B)
Role : Senior Developer

Description: This project is to create a new website which can be used to Toshiba’s B2B sales universally. This website will be used in many countries where Toshiba has clients, and they can order laptops, accessories, services etc. There is a upload functionality through which different products with different prices for different countries in different currencies can be uploaded. The website is a very complex systems, in which the ship country could be a different country than a billing country. And many more such complex situations.

Roles and Responsibilities
• Involved in design, development and unit-testing
• Developed the application in J2EE, Spring, HTML,CSS, JQuery, JSON, JSP
• Application is deployed on JBOSS
• Used IntelliJ as the IDE
• Used VSS for source control
• Integrated with 3rd party web services to do address and email validation
• Integrated with 3rd party web service for credit card authorization

Technologies: Spring, AJAX, JSON, JQuery, Java 1.7, JSP, Log4J, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, XML, ant, JBOSS 6.0, Oracle 11.1, SQL, VSS

Client : Capital Group July 2011 – Nov 2012

Client : Administration of Courts April 2010 – April 2011

Client : Capital Group Oct 2005 – April 2010

Client : Administration of Courts July 2004 – Oct 2005

Client : Pershing Oct 2000 – June 2004

Client : SQube Infosys Jun 1999 – Sep 2000


Jack Bosma
Vublisher to add as a Zoom Client contact.
"Inspect what you expect."

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