Canada's Foreign Interference Inquiry: CCP Female Operative Faces Deportation

11 months ago

01/29/2024 Global News: The long-awaited public inquiry into foreign interference in Canada's democratic processes is now underway in Ottawa. The federal government ordered a Chinese woman deported last August after immigration officials concluded she was working for the CCP government to try to silence criticism and dissent by members of the Chinese diaspora in Canada.
01/29/2024 环球新闻:期待已久的关于外国干涉加拿大民主进程的公开调查正在渥太华进行。联邦政府去年8月下令将一名中共国女性驱逐出境,因为移民官认为她是在为中共政府工作,去试图压制加拿大华人对中共的批评和异议。

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