''FBI Is Here! What Have You Done?" - The Story Of An American Missionary Who Converted To Islam

1 year ago

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00:00 Intro
01:06 What was the thing that made you question your beliefs?
01:31 How did you first hear about Islam?
02:12 What was the think that made you question your beliefs?
03:04 Can you tell us about your journey from Christianity to Islam?
6:39 And your family, how was their reaction?
9:28 What was the major change for you after becoming a muslim?
10:10 Can you tell us about an unforgettable event that happened in the Da'wah Center?
13:45 How did 9/11 affect your life and what kind of difficulties
19:04 What did you do after going through all these difficulties? Did you return back to the US?
21:34 Is America a suitable place to live your religion for you and your family?
25:40 If someone is curious about Islam, how should that person search about this religion?
26:26 What is the quality of Prophet Muhammad (sav) that impressed you the most?
27:19 What would you like to say as your final comments?

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