Part -1 Hazrat Hudhaifah Ibn Al-Yammaan سیرت صحابہ کرامؓ حضرت حذیفہ ابن الیمان رضی اللہ عنہ، حصہ اول

11 months ago

Part -1 Hazrat Hudhaifah Ibn Al-Yammaan سیرت صحابہ کرامؓ حضرت حذیفہ ابن الیمان رضی اللہ عنہ، حصہ اول
The Enemy of Hypocrisy, The Friend of Frankness

The people of Madaa`in came out in great numbers to welcome their new governor chosen by their Caliph `Umar (May Allah be pleased with him). They came out preceded by their interest in that graceful Companion. They had heardmuch about his good conduct, his piety, and more so about his great achievementin the conquest of Iraq.

While they were waiting for the coming procession, they saw before them a bright fellow riding on a donkey with an old saddle. The man was riding with his legs hanging and holding a loaf of bread and some salt in his hands, and eating and chewing his food. When he came in the midst of the people andthey discovered he was Hudhaifah lbn Al-Yammaan, the expected governor, theywere about to lose their wits! But why the surprise? Who did they expect thechoice of `Umar would be ? In fact, they were not to blame. Their countries had not been accustomed since Persian days or even before to having rulers of with such graceful style.

Hudhaifah was surrounded and welcomed by numerous people. When he sawthat they were gazing at him as if expecting a speech, he looked at themclosely and said, "Beware of sedition!" They asked, "What is sedition, AbuAbd Allah?" "The gates of rulers," he said. `When one of you is admittedto the presence of the ruler or governor and falsely agrees with what hesays and commends him for what he has not done."

It was a wonderful start, as much as it was surprising. People at once remembered what they had heard about their new governor and that he did not detest anything in the whole world as much as he detested and scorned hypocrisy. Such a beginning was the truest expression concerning the character of the new governor and his way of ruling and governing.

As a matter of fact, Hudhaifah lbn Al-Yammaan was a man who came to life equipped with a unique characteristic in detesting hypocrisy and in having the remarkable capability to detect it in its distant, concealed places. He and his brother safwaan came to the Prophet (PBUH) accompanied by their father and all embraced Islam. He added more sharpness and polish to his inbornqualities from the time he embraced a powerful, clean, brave, and straightforwardreligion which scorns cowardice, hypocrisy, and lies. Moreover, he learnedhis manners at the hands of the Messenger (PBUH) who was as clear as theglorious morning light. Nothing was hidden in his life nor in his inner self.He was truthful and trustworthy. He liked the strong in righteousness anddetested those who were not straightforward, i.e. the hypocrites and deceivers.Therefore, there was no realm where his talent could bloom and blossom morethan it did under the guidance of faith at the hands of the Messenger andamong that generation of his great Companions. Verily, his talent grew anddeveloped, and he specialized in reading faces and probing into the innerselves. At a glance he could easily read faces and know the secret of thehidden depths and concealed inner mysteries. He attained what he wanted inthat realm to the extent that the inspired, intelligent, and resourcefulCaliph `Umar (May Allah be pleased with him) used to ask Hudhaifah's opinionand insight in selecting and knowing men.

Hudhaifah possessed the discretion that made him realize that what isgood in this world is obvious to whoever seeks it, and that evil is thething that is disguised and hidden. Therefore, the intelligent person shouldbe discreet in studying evil in its hidden and apparent forms.

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