Askar - UNRWA: Cradle of Killers

1 year ago

Here's a link to videos from October 7 that will finally put this issue to rest for those who struggle with whether Israel has the right to send Hamas into oblivion. NO OTHER COUNTRY would tolerate this. PLEASE ONLY VIEW THESE VIDEOS IF YOU NEED CONVINCING. YOU CANNOT UNSEE THIS TERROR. IT WILL BE WITH YOU FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE.

The video on this Rumble page was put out by The Center for Near East Policy Research is dedicated to proactive, investigative research  and the publication of well-documented data on the core issues of Israeli-Arab relations, in order to provide insight into the complex reality of Israel for decision makers, journalists and the general public.

It was shot last Summer on location at the Askar refugee camp in the Jenin area, UNRWA policies and practices encourage the latest wave of martyrs in murder sprees and terror attacks in Israel.

Not unlike the Truth about everything else going on in the world today, you need to search for it. You should always assume what you're being told via MSM is a LIE with an agenda.
You need to dig for the truth.

MSM and all the non-peaceful protests for "Palestine" around the world serve up endless propaganda about Israel and they feed it to anyone who is unlearned enough to swallow it!

THIS video depicts what's really going on over there and this was before October 7. It's been going on since before Israel was a state again, going as far back as the Hebron Massacre of 1929; proof this has nothing to do with the land and all about Muslim Arab hatred for the Jewish people. Muslim Arabs attacked and brutally murdered their Jewish neighbors including the very doctors who delivered their babies and the nurses who nursed them back to health.

Today, Israel was finally able to get out the truth about UNWRA which has been indoctrinating children in the disputed territories for decades. From the age of 3, Arab children are instructed to become Shahids/Martyrs and there is no greater cause for them than to kill as many Israeli citizens on their way out. THIS is what Israel is facing.

October 7 was the most horrific, single most barbaric terrorist act in our lifetime. The very same terrorists who have been murdering Christians in the Middle East and innocent civilians around the world struck out at Israel on the front lines.

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