Article 4629 Video - International Public Notice: Our Citizenship By Anna Von Reitz

1 year ago

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Article 4629 Video - International Public Notice: Our Citizenship - Tuesday, January 30, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

Throughout the rest of the world, people are citizens at birth. They owe a responsibility to their national government the moment they are born. In many countries, that obligation is lifelong with no escape.

People born in, for example, Germany or Mexico, immigrate to this country and become Americans, but so far as their birth country is concerned, they are still Germans or still Mexicans, whether they like it or not.

This non-consensual Dual Citizenship is not under the control of The United States and cannot stand as a bar to lawfully immigrated people preventing them from participating in the government here.

All forms of "citizenship" imply that the individual is required to serve the government, instead of the government being required to serve them.

Our country stands alone on the Earth in being the only country where the individual has no obligation to serve the government at birth or at any other time. Beyond keeping the peace and causing no harm to others, we are free -- as Americans who are part of the native population of each nation-state.

However, the present problem is that Britain, as usual, got greedy, and circa 1921, their Territorial Congress started registering British Territorial babies born in America....and then, they just started registering everyone as British Territorials. It was a creeping, undisclosed usurpation.

In this way they slowly, one by one, secretly and illegally converted the political status of these American babies from their native political status to that of a British Territorial Subject.

British Territorials are part of the whole Romano-British Caste System I have recently described. They agree to act in the capacity of Humans (indentured servants) and as British Subjects (slaves) for life at birth, which is one of the things that we, Americans, fought to get away from.

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