The Pagan Origins of Christmas & New Years with Neil Gaur

1 year ago

Here we are once again, and like clockwork, it's time for my 4th annual webinar on The Pagan Origins of Christmas & New Years. Each passing year, I enhance awareness by incorporating more intriguing and insightful information. Despite being raised in the Hindu tradition, Christmas has been a constant in my life, and I grew up believing in Jesus and the idea that prophets manifested in various cultures worldwide at different times. In the Vedic belief system, there's no notion of "this is the only way to God." After I 'woke up', for quiet a long time, I anticipated an ascension where specific days of the year, including Yeshua's incorrectly celebrated birthday, would no longer hold significance. Then, I discovered the truth about Christmas—the pagan roots, the link to Santa Claus, the concept of Christ consciousness, the symbolism of the tree of life, psychedelic awareness, and the interconnectedness of all things. With a resounding "Hoorah!" I found myself celebrating once more, armed with an expanded awareness that goes beyond Christianity and commercialism.

So here we are fellow PTA Family! Delve into the rich tapestry of ancient traditions that have influenced these widely celebrated occasions. Drawing inspiration from historical sources, the webinar is poised to explore how the festive season, originally rooted in various pagan practices, has evolved over centuries. From Yule celebrations marking the winter solstice to the Roman festival of Saturnalia. We will also touch upon the symbolic use of mushrooms in pagan rituals, exploring their historical significance and potential connections to Christmas traditions. This fascinating exploration will uncover the hidden threads that weave together the past and present, providing participants with a deeper understanding of the cultural tapestry of the season

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