Michael Peroutka: Terror is Not an Enemy. Terror is the TACTIC of an Enemy! (February 2, 2004)

11 months ago


The scandal over the failure of the Bush Administration to find the Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) in Iraq is growing fatter and deeper every day.

The President has now called for a commission to investigate intelligence shortcomings and lapses, as if Bush and Cheney and Powell and Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz and others who made the case to the American people that the invasion of Iraq was a national necessity, were victims of faulty work by underlings.

An indication of the seriousness of this issue for George Bush came in his State of the Union Speech last week when he referenced the report of David Kay, the U.S. Special Advisor leading the hunt for weapons in Iraq. Bush said that David Kay's report identified "dozens of weapons of mass destruction-related program activities."

This fuzzy bureaucratic language was a tip off to many that there remains a suspicious lack of evidence proving the existence of Saddam Hussein's alleged arsenal.

After stepping down as Special Advisor, David Kay himself said of the alleged weapons of Mass Destruction, "I don't think they existed."

Now, I want to state my support for the men who fight to defend our country.

But in this case, they have been sent on a fool's errand. They have been placed in harms way on false pretenses and faulty intelligence.

This eventuality might have been avoided had the President and the Congress followed the United States Constitution which provides that only Congress can declare war. The President cannot usurp this power from Congress and the Congress cannot surrender it by resolution.

The Constitutional process would also insure that the United States would not commit troops to something so vague, so undefined and so un-winnable as a war on terror.

Terror is not an enemy. Terror is the tactic of an enemy. A war on a tactic will, in all likelihood, never end because the object of the war, the tactic, can never be eradicated. This type of war will always be an endless, confusing tragedy.

That is, I fear, what we have in the case of Iraq. We should get the troops out now.

"Nation building" is not a permissible function of the United States Government under Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution.

As President, I would follow the Supreme Law of the Land, the United States Constitution, and bring home our troops."

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* Peroutka, Michael. "Terror is Not an Enemy. Terror is the TACTIC of an Enemy!". Peroutka2004.com, 2 Feb. 2004.

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