6-Inch Skeleton

8 months ago

Premature human fetal DNA analysis revealed peculiar mutations linked to dwarfism and scoliosis. Despite conflicting research challenging the presence of genetic abnormalities, some speculated, including UFO theorist Steven M. Greer, that the fetus, known as Ata, might be of extraterrestrial origin. This speculation gained attention in the 2013 UFO film "Sirius," prompting Stanford University geneticist Garry P. Nolan to investigate further.

Contrary to extraterrestrial claims, Nolan's DNA analysis confirmed that Ata was indeed human. Originally believed to be older, the remains were dated to the late 1970s, possessing high-quality DNA suitable for scientific study. Ata exhibited an irregularly shaped skull, 10 ribs (as opposed to the usual 12 in adults), and potential signs of oxycephaly. Anatomist and paleoanthropologist William Jungers proposed that Ata was a premature human fetus that either died before or shortly after birth due to its underdeveloped features.

Nolan suggested an alternative hypothesis that Ata experienced a combination of genetic disorders leading to abortion before term. Pediatric radiologist Ralph Lachman argued that dwarfism alone could not explain all the observed features. During DNA analysis, the B2 mtDNA haplotype group indicated indigenous roots in the western region of South America.

In March 2018, Nolan published additional findings, revealing a rare bone aging disorder and multiple genetic mutations in genes associated with dwarfism, scoliosis, and skeletal and muscular abnormalities. The researchers identified 64 unusual mutations in 7 genes related to the skeletal system, highlighting a unique pattern not previously reported in skeletal development research.

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