The Mark of the BEAST and The New World Order MFP Episode #17

1 year ago

The False Prophet is revealed. He is in league with the Anti-Christ, who is called the first Beast. He promotes the Anti-Christ and pushes the world to worship him. The False prophet is the leader of the counterfeit church of the Last Days. He causes the world to worship the first Beast (Rev13:1) by taking the MARK OF THE BEAST. If you take it you are DAMNED FOR EVER!.
Don't take the Mark of the Beast. In this video we look at Gods warning regarding the Mark, the false prophets deception and examine the number 666.The New World Order or the Great Reset are preparing the world for the coming Anti-Christ. America is standing in the way. People like Joe Biden have a goal to destroy our national Identity and destroy America. The Globalist dream is the one world world government. What is happening today is not an accident. This is being pushed by Satan and his angels.

Revelation 13 and 14; I john 5:19;2 Cor. 4:4
Now is the time to trust Jesus ALONE for your salvation.
Romans 6:23; 5:8; 10:13 and John 3:16

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