Who is really behind the drug and human/child trafficking? See comments below. Was Webb right?

1 year ago

With drug trafficking by our own government, comes all of the other atrocities. Prostitution, stealing, human/child trafficking, murder, money laundering, weapons trade, and more.

And to think this is where the money went that they took out of my paycheck. You and I literally funded the people that fed addiction to American citizens.

Trump has spoken of quick trials and the death penalty for drug dealers.

Is it possible these people can be heald accountable?

Were the "uni-parties" all involved in drug operations since LBJ and Vietnam? Was the CIA and military involve through the Mideast wars in the 2000's. Trump was ending "the endless wars", Biden brought us right back in, and opened the borders. The operations are flowing better than ever, drugs and human/child trafficking. Both trillions of dollars businesses.

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