Flat Earth Psyop - Music Video

1 year ago

I've listened to the lead promoters of the this flat earth psyop on Youtube, and there's no doubt about it: they're playing practical politics. Anytime you say anything about 'chemtrails' or '911', or anything that challenges Mainstream News & Gov narratives, you're going to get a flash mob of "Flat Earthers". They know exactly what to say. They all know the talking points. They're trolls.
What can you do about them? I'll tell you right now:
Stay on your focus. Everyone reading this (except the trolls) KNOW that this isn't YOUR issue. Whatever you were talking about on a forum or social media, just stay on your own topic. Treat the Flat Earth troll the way you would any stranger that tries to butt in on an important conversation with something irrelevant.
Do NOT engage in a debate on their topic (Flat Earth nonsense), stay on yours. The troll wants to get your defense response up so that he can exploit the emotional advantage. This game is rife on forums because trolls and bullies are actually using their truther targets so they can sew their seeds of mass distraction in the minds of an audience. It neutralizes legitimate questioning.
Just make it a rule; "don't debate irrelevant issues". Don't be distracted. Stay on point. Invite the troll to join YOUR conversation on YOUR topic - or go away.
Let's move on.


Support: paypal.me/criticalunity20

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