Why Do Women Need To Control Male Spaces? - MGTOW

1 year ago

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Kirie. He didn't give me a topic no topic request so I wanted to talk about women's need to control all male spaces real or virtual. It's always been about making sure that women always know what is being said about them in formerly private male spaces that are physical spaces per se. I think we have to make a distinction. Bars and pubs and coffee shops were taken back in the 19th and early 20th century. Men's smoking rooms and business clubs too. The YMCA, Young men's centers of America as well are now co-ed. But that's not what this is about. This video is more about the mental male cultural spaces, ie comic books, video games, sports, movies and culture in general on the internet. So when did I first start seeing this on mass?. In 2010 a bunch of nerdy guys, one of which I went to school with suddenly started getting attractive gamer girlfriends that were thin, attractive and normal. Before that gamer girls were generally overweight ogres with ovaries that would lose at their local Ferengi beauty pageant. Suddenly everything changed. They realised that men were online in a place without female supervision and some of those men were successful and somewhat good looking nerds. Especially in the early 2010s when you had many men working for tech startups like Facebook and Google making six figures. So women started entering fields that would have been for nerdy losers before around 2005. I first really thought about this in 2014 while watching a 20 year old woman playing a game that was similar to command and conquer from the 1996s but it was with pink and purple looking units that looked all girly that replaced the tanks from older versions. I was red pilled at that time and I saw how women were now enjoying what men first played almost twenty years before. Since that time culture has changed. For example Minecraft the most popular game of all time has no woke cut scenes in it and none of the characters say anything. You can't be political if you don't speak. It's hard to make something like that woke no matter how many women you have working for the company. Lego isn't woke for the most part either it and let's you use your imagination especially. The best creators that build original things are mostly males because they have the most creativity and construct the most beautiful things. Because it's an individual activity instead of a group activity women can infiltrate it. Men are adapting to women entering gaming by creating male spaces with only one person in them themselves. I don't buy lego sets and buy most of it used or just the parts I want. But the Lego store the shelves were bare before Christmas.

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

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1. https://www.bigstockphoto.com/image-13957406/stock-photo-a-young-attractive-woman-lying-on-the-bed-with-a-book

2. https://www.bigstockphoto.com/image-383198483/stock-photo-beautiful-blond-woman-in-blue-dress-reading-a-book-on-a-swing

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