How to Inspect and Adjust Valve Clearance on a 2011 Ninja 250 (Part IV)

1 year ago

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Part four of a five part series showing every step of a valve inspection and adjustment on a 2011 Ninja 250. Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to jump five seconds forward or reverse or the "L" and "J" keys to jump ten seconds forward or reverse. Below are links to the four other parts of the series and a table of contents for this fourth video. Click on the numbers in the table of contents to take you to specific sections of the video. Go to the description in part one of this series for a list of special tools you'll need for this job.

Camshafts Installation (continued) 00:23
Cam Chain Tensioner Installation 7:14
Holder Plate Information 9:26
Engine Timing Confirmation 16:14
Valve Clearance Inspection Results (after adjustment) 19:58
Oiling Lifter Pools 21:15
Timing Plugs Installation 22:23
Cylinder Head Cover Installation 23:35
Right Coolant Reserve Tank Mounting Bracket Installation 32:36
Thermostat Bolts Installation 33:39
Coolant Hose Installation 34:56
Right Engine Mounting Bracket Installation 37:49
Right Ignition Coil Wires Connection 44:34
Sparkplug Caps Installation 45:01
Air Suction Valve Hose Installation 46:49
Radiator Installation 47:43
Battery Reconnection 55:22
Gas Tank Installation 58:01

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