NYT Pulls HAMAS RAPE Story from PodcastOver INTERNAL TURMOIL Over SHODDYReporting: Max Blumenthal

1 year ago

Editor at The Grayzone Max Blumenthal weighs in onreporting that The New York Times podcast, "TheDaily" tabled an episode of the podcast on Oct. 7 setto air earlier this month. #Hamas #Israel

About Rising:

Rising is a weekday morning show with bipartisanhosts that breaks the mold of morning TV by takingviewers inside the halls of Washington power likenever before. The show leans into the day's politicalcycle with cutting edge analysis from DC insiders whocan predict what is going to happen. It also sets theday's political agenda by breaking exclusive news witha team of scoop-driven reporters and demandinganswers during interviews with the country's mostimportant political newsmakers.

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