Breastfeeding - Anytime, Anywhere, Anyhow - It's a Mother's Right

10 months ago

It is your right.. anytime.. and anywhere . anyhow... to breastfeed your child.....

Breasts are only there to bring Natural Nutrients to a young one..... For too long they have been over-sexualized by the media.... Thus creating the fake notion that Mother's should hide away or cover up while breastfeeding......

If I could leave you all with ONE POINT .. if you notice it.. and don't agree with it..... - SIMPLE --- Don't LOOK !!!! Go about your business....

An Out-dated, Ignorant mentality from anyone, is totally reversing the years of progress from Lactating Ladies, that are simply partaking, in their God Given right .......
And D0UCHE CANOES like David Koch KOCHIE - who FINALLY retired after years of Brainwashing and lying and having his own STUUUUUUPID personal opinions brought up too often.
This same guy doing stories on if you should invite your un-v@xxed family member to Christmas Dinner - faking excitement when ONE DIRECTION comes on - F@KE emotion or their lack of ( and now his HORSE co-host.... Natalie.. BBaaRRRWRWRR ( horse noise) CRYING FAKE !!! CRYING after the FALSE FLAG ATTACK.. that was the Lindt Cafe Siege in Sydney Australia... ( worst .. most sloppy inside job ever)
FINALLY he's gone .. dirty Catholic School girl NAT .. chomping at the BIT for years to get the top job after all the actually GOOD LOOKING BLONDE WOMEN ran out....
KOKHED KOCHIE - replaced by another f@ke smiling media puppet..

The SAD state of affairs of the Australian Media is why SO many fell for the CONvid PLANdemic .. and even to the point of falling for the anti-V@xxer nonsense and brainwashed them 100 % of the way......

Not one of us "anti-v@xxers" regrets NOT getting the CL0T SH0T
We can remove our "tin foil hat" YOU can't remove your spike proteins, graphene oxide and nanobots....

NO-ONE has the right to tell a Mother how to raise, treat or FEED her child......

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